How Charming the Humble Heart

What beauty surrounds me, O God, in creation —
In faith, where blood can cleanse a soul!
How charming the humble heart that serves —
More than fragrant flowers on the tree.

In my own life create such splendor,
That lovely patience, that quiet spirit —
Mature fruit from years of study
Of the Christ who daily shines ever brighter.

Correct faults that mar the good example

Holy Father, correct in us those faults that mar the good example we might otherwise give before others.

Help us to keep our promises, to pay debts, to remember commitments, to guard our tongues, to avoid seeking attention and credit, to be on time, to be gentle and compassionate, to be truthful and honest in the smallest things, to carry through on projects, to finish what we start, to be generous even with small things, to draw others out rather than talk about ourselves, to be consistent in mood, to find the good in people, to be discontent with mediocrity, to mind our business, to care for the needs of others, to take time to listen.

Let love drive us to maturity.