Go Beyond My Puny Prayers

Ephesians 3.14-21

Father, go beyond my puny prayers —
Your power is able, far above my thoughts,
To accomplish more that I could ever imagine —
All praise is yours and glory in the church!

You act behind the scenes that we can see,
Providing from your glorious, boundless riches
For inner strength, for Christ to dwell in us —
His home in our hearts — what greater thing to ask?!

How wide! How long! How high! How deep his love!
Send down our roots in him to keep us strong.
What we sorely lacked he makes complete —
My joy to know he hears and cures and cares!

Pull us from this world’s idolatry

Our Father in heaven, pull us from this world’s idolatry. You are the only God. May your words dwell in our hearts.

Bring your Spirit near and bind him to our souls. Let nothing, let no one separate us from the love of Christ.

Guide us in your life. Guard us from the evil one. Direct our steps by day and by night.

Create in us that new heart of courage, holiness, and godly fear. Work in us to produce faith, love, and hope.

Let every mention of your name, O God, be sacred. We tremble before your majesty. Tears of joy descend because your love shines brighter every day.

Show me my selfishness

Lord, show me my selfishness,
the ugly face contorted by desire,
passions springing up to control,
self in the center of my world,
hurts in others like an exploding grenade,
destruction of every good thing.

Lord, show me the love of Christ,
the beauty of his holiness,
driven by your blessed will,
your love the spring of life,
peace among men, in brotherhood,
the building of the eternal kingdom.

In me make others see the steps to enter

Prayer for wisdom

Good Lord above, let me not venture out today without a word of peace on my lips and a motive for thanksgiving in my heart.

Keep falsehood far away from me; bring truth near as my friend and guide, the cement of good relations.

Move me toward the center of faith, where Christ abides, in the vortex of love, the pull upon all those around me.

In me make others see the steps to enter the kingdom. Amen.