Giving up on prayer?

John Gipson writes, “Isn’t Jesus to be trusted? If we cannot rely on His words, when it comes to prayer, can we trust Him in anything else?”

Read his article here.

Expectant prayer

On the Mt Juliet website, Wayne Miller writes about prayer, based on Psalm 5:

I read about a Christian lady, in her deep trouble had prayed to God for help. Her requests were answered. She then wondered aloud, “Why am I always so surprised when the Lord answers my prayers!”

David made it a daily practice to lay his requests before the Lord. In fact, our text indicates, every morning he approached God with his prayer list. David seemed to possess full, total, and complete confidence the Lord would answer his prayers.

Do we, like David, pray regularly—or only in emergencies?

Read the rest of the article here.

Five tips for prayer

As Jehoshaphat was watching the enemy amass themselves against him, he turned to God in prayer (2 Chronicles 20). He was in a period where he was leading well and teaching his people to fear God, so God obliterates the enemy. Jehoshaphat’s reign was always either hot or cold in his relationship with the Lord – so why did God so completely respond to that prayer?

The Bible is full of tips on how to pray. Here are five:
