Only from You

The gift of yet another day of life
Comes only from you, the gracious Giver
Of good. Let all creation praise your name!

Air for breathing, living water for drink,
The word of love between us our lasting link,
Your caring touch — To you be glory forever!

Tumultuous world of anguished men in need!
To Jesus Christ the Savior would you lead
Each precious soul in freedom — All power is yours!

Your servant hears, O Lord! He runs to obey
Your blessed command. Put wings upon his feet.
Let lanterns on a hill illumine your Name!

Roller coaster world

What a roller coaster this world is, O Lord! People are led by their passions and emotions, swayed by their peers, motivated by the approval of those who have no influence on their eternal destiny. Keep me from entering this heart-rending ride.

How small is the life lived far from you, O Lord! Nothing beyond the visible, idols on every side, routines with no redeeming qualities. Keep me near your presence.

How short a human’s time on earth, O Lord! We are born to trouble, we age quickly, our bodies wear out rapidly. Keep me now that I might enter your eternal kingdom.

The years roll on

Father in heaven, the years roll on, and life accelerates, rushing toward the end. We pray for Jesus’ return, so we welcome our meeting together with him. This earth holds little for us besides the ones we love. We wish to be in heaven with them as well. But nothing can dampen our desire to be with Christ.

Support us as we live now in the present, that we might eat and work with your blessing. We seek the kingdom first and trust in your goodness to provide our needs.

The coming holidays and year’s end bring concerns, but let us see in the turning of the calendar still more evidence of your hand and your care for us. You hold this world and move it around the sun. You hold our lives in your hands as well, we rejoice in your goodness.

Let our minds continually ponder your power and mercy for your people. We rest in your shadow, we are renewed by your sun and rain and fruit of nourishment.

You, Father, have given us life and strength and purpose. We glorify you for your perfect plan and for the freedom in Christ to serve and grow. Make us complete in him.

The precious gift of life

Almighty God, our dear heavenly Father, thank you for the precious gift of life along with everything we need in order to live comfortably.

Most of all, dear Lord, help us to share the blessings you regularly shower upon your children of faith, with the poor, especially the orphan children whose sobs you hear and comfort.

Give those who dare to speak for Christ our Lord to be genuinely humble and serve others with sincere motives. In the precious name of Jesus, Amen.

David Noel Binkley Sr.

The life of man

You, O God, are life itself, having existed before all things, the God who was, and is, and ever will be. Into man’s nostrils you breathed the breath of life, a breath meant to enliven forever. We cut ourselves off from you and lost the tree of life. But through the Lord Jesus Christ that life has been restored. Our inheritance is eternal life with you. Life is more than awareness—it is walking and living and breathing in your presence. So let us be ever more conscious of your reality, of your power, of your goodness, of your Self who defines and transforms and equips us for your your fellowship.

For all that people talk of quality of life, they have no idea that it means knowing and loving you. The body can be in top shape, the bank account can be overflowing, but without openness to your love, willingness to bask in your glory, there is no quality, no joy, no meaning. Let us make ourselves increasingly fit for relationship in your fullness.

Let us also develop in ourselves those signs of spiritual life, basic as they are, essential in their exercise: the Word, prayer, fellowship with the saints, movement in service and mission. Let our day jobs be seen as opportunities to touch others. Let our small tasks and to-do lists become channels to let our lights shine that you may be glorified. Let our interactions with others be chances to bless.

Remind us constantly that life is not a series of cheap thrills, but the deep and often unspoken experience of every breath, thought, motive, action, word, and motion wrapped in your Spirit.

No Miracle in a Tube

None can help but God — to you I turn,
O Lord, for rescue. No miracle in a tube,
No counselor’s couch, no exercise or drug
Removes my fears or eases my troubled mind,
But only trust in you. I cannot climb
Or raise myself, in me no power nor strength.
Give life, O Lord, and raise me up from death.

Insight into gospel’s simplicity

Father, let your will be our food, as it was for Jesus Christ.

Let our hearts and minds be occupied with doing what pleases you.

Give us insight into the simplicity of the gospel.

We desire the Spirit’s abode in us.

Make us content in your presence.

Show us the power of your hand as we work and serve.

Be glorified in us and in your church.

Give us life, strength, and vitality in the Lord Jesus.

Motivate us with your love.

Drudgery on Mondays

Father, lift up the eyes of those who see only drudgery on Mondays. Help them to see the promise of the new day, the opportunity of serving God and neighbor, the sweetness of the early morning, the renewal of life and love.

For those destroyed by other’s sins

Loving Lord, we pray for those whose humanity is destroyed by the sins of others:

  • for children and spouses and family of addicts,
  • for people maimed and killed by drunk or careless drivers,
  • for those imprisoned in the sex trade and prostitution,
  • for innocent victims of war and soldiers suffering trauma,
  • for citizens oppressed by their governments.

Lord, in your mercy hear our prayer, may your restoring gospel reach them, to give them life and hope. Put us in the way of such as these, that we might serve them. In Christ’s name, Amen.