Take My Life

So now, Lord, take my life.
Jonah 4.3 GW.

Dear God who gives life to man,
Take mine! Let me die the death,
Not of Jonah or Elijah, but of Christ.
Much better to die than to live!
For in dying I see your mercy,
Your patience, compassion, and love.
You’re always ready to forgive,
To relent from threats of destruction.

Dear God, in every place,
You are here — in every heart
Desire to make your abode.
Make us glad to know
Your Name and feel your goodness.
Draw us to yourself
And send us forth to town
And country to tell the News.

Bury us, Lord of waters,
And place us on solid ground.
From depths of darkest death,
To life in Jesus Christ,
Enliven us with joy
To know your blessed presence.
Ignite in us your love
To reach the city in sin.

Righteous, just, and pure

With your help, heavenly Father, today I will do your will and please you in all things.

By your Spirit, Lord, I will be righteous, just, and pure in your sight.

In Christ, God of all peace, I will know you and delight in your presence.

In the midst of your people, we will praise you as Savior who created us as your children and gave us your fullness.

So let me today take hold of your exceedingly great and precious promises to participate in your divine nature.

Overboard, the weights of this world

You, O God, must look down upon our strivings,
and shake your head in amazement —
we, who should stand in awe of you,
act in strange and foolish ways.

Of all this world’s possessions,
none compare to knowing you,
none withstand the test of time —
to know your goodness spans
the bridge to eternal happiness.

Draw us near you, God of love —
we’d mind the things of the Spirit,
pursue your good and perfect will,
engage in your enduring work.

Overboard, the weights of this world,
with freedom gained from truth,
the popular pressure to conform is gone,
our single goal to please you, Lord,
become the people we were meant to be.

No eye has seen you

No eye has seen you, God invisible,
The God of perfect law and miracle;
You show yourself in many ways —
All speak as one, but holding the keys
To perfect knowledge of you is Christ;
He is the Son, in him the last
And final Word, the unfolded plan,
The only path for broken man. Continue reading “No eye has seen you”

In these do our knowledge of you consist

Lord, it sometimes seems a far thing from words on a page to an intimate, dynamic relationship with you. In our minds, we look for the physical touch, the visual cues. But, between humans, these often belie a lack of relationship behind them.

In the Bible, you speak from your heart to ours, marvelous truths of yourself and us to minds perfectly created as receptacles of these reverent thoughts. Continue reading “In these do our knowledge of you consist”