Authority to forgive

Father, we are grateful that you know our deepest need and that Jesus has power and authority on earth to forgive our sins.

We are grateful that he comes to us and calls us to follow him, for we are sick people in need of a doctor.

Lord, we are grateful to devote ourselves to prayer and fasting while we wait for the powerful coming of our Savior from heaven.

We are grateful that the Christ is among us and willing to be touched with our petitions of pain and grief.

Sovereign God, we are grateful that our faith brings healing and that the mercy of Christ restores our senses.

We are grateful for his compassion that drives him to all the towns and cities and ask that you send workers into his harvest.

Based on Matthew 9.

Same is good, when it’s Jesus

This earthly life changes constantly. Many like variety. But in Christ sameness is a wonderful quality.

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever!
Heb 13.8

Here are four comforting truths that arise from this affirmation:

  1. Jesus is divine and eternal. He is God, and his work remains.
  2. Christ’s teaching never changes. His truth continues the same.
  3. His promise never fails. Our hope is firm.
  4. His constancy gives security to those who are in him.

What other points can you draw out from the sameness of Christ?

Jesus suffered

  1. Jesus suffered for us, the just for the injust, to bring us to God, 1 Pet 3.18.
  2. Jesus suffered for us, as an example, 1 Pet 2.21.
  3. Jesus suffered before us, in persecution, Jn 15.18.
  4. Jesus suffers with us, as we share in his sufferings and comfort, 2 Cor 1.5.

We have in Christ

By John Henson, Dibrell congregation, McMinnville TN

Ephesians 1:4-10

  1. A Savior who chose us (Verse 4).
  2. A Savior who redeemed us (Verse 7).
  3. A Savior who planned our freedom (Verse 9).
  4. A Savior who came prepared to save us (Verse 10).

Show Me Grace at Work

Show me grace at work in generous saints,
Whose joy exceeds afflictions most severe,
Who serve like Christ their Lord, with no complaints,
Giving beyond their means, no future fear.

Show me Jesus’ grace, becoming poor,
Immeasurably rich, for our own souls to save,
To open to us the wealth of heaven’s door —
Eternal life and light beyond the grave.

Show me powerful grace for every need,
For good and blessed works in hidden ways,
Producing righteous fruit from heavenly seed,
That may increase to God man’s thanks and praise.

  2 Corinthians 8-9

Source and Center

You, O Lord, are source and center,
Let me in your portals enter;
Walk with me the straight and narrow,
Watch with care your smallest sparrow.

You, O God, are shield and savior,
Rock and tower, loving neighbor;
Life and blessing yours forever,
Faithfulness our long endeavor. Continue reading “Source and Center”

Where Does Existence Lead?

With pangs of hunger do beggars ask why,
Or do the sufferers look to the sky?
One man seeks to learn from pain,
Another sees no obvious gain.
The body over time decays,
The aging mind has tricks it plays.
O God, where does existence lead?
And what is man’s most basic need?
Do not our hearts yearn most for you?
Where will we go when life is through?
Lord, still our hearts and wake our minds
To truth in Christ which in freedom binds.
His faithful answers satisfy,
To questions his silence the best reply.
