The virtue of acceptance

Our Father in Heaven,

  • The universe sings your praise. The world declares your glory. The heavens sing about your splendor. Honor belongs to you.
  • Be ever more present in our lives. May your holy Spirit inhabit us. We desire the Lord Jesus dwell within us.
  • Protect us from the sin of anger, that we might not destroy relationships and prevent love from developing.
  • Develop in us the virtue of acceptance, that we might embrace our situations, live contentedly in the circumstances in which we find ourselves, and learn from the sufferings and challenges that we face.
  • We are thankful for sleep, which allows us to rest and be refreshed for the next day. We are grateful that you are in charge of this world and its affairs, so we can lay our heads on our pillows and at night and find comfort in your charge.
  • We ask on behalf of the people of Aruba, that the gospel might reach every soul in such a way that they may respond to the message and be faithful in its practice.
  • Bless the life and efforts of our missionary friends Mike and Brenda Brooks, as they serve in Nepal and Bangladesh, sharing the gospel and training servants in the Word.
  • We ask for our children that they might know you, grow in grace, serve with their gifts, be mature in their faith, show faithfulness in their relationships and to the truth.
  • Thank you for salvation in Christ. Thank you that the truth has come to us. We are grateful to share with you the mission of reaching always outward to the lost.
  • Thank you for the Bible. May we give it due respect, as it truly is — a word from you and not the word of man.

What a privilege is prayer, O Father!

Need your help

Lord God, so many people in so many situations need your help.

  • Those who often travel, for safety.
  • Those who work in dangerous jobs or circumstances, for security.
  • Those who suffer from disasters like hurricanes or earthquakes, for basic needs of shelter, food, and water.
  • Those who must fend off oppressive thoughts and dark moods, for peace.
  • Those who serve the public, for patience.
  • Those who are employed in government or are elected to their position or have assumed power in some way, for justice.
  • Those who often deal with the poor, the oppressed, or the excluded from society, for compassion.
  • Those who are lonely, forgotten, or needy, for companionship.
  • Those who struggle with addictions or are trapped in abusive relationships, for freedom.
  • Those whose worth is tied to possessions and those who love money, for wholeness.
  • Those who have no hope or who rest upon false expectations, for faith.
  • Those who seek pleasure in this world or have seen its true end, for joy.
  • Those who serve you in the gospel, for perseverance.

You are the God who can supply every need and offer every help. Rise up, O Lord, and let us all rejoice in your active goodness.

Show us the future of our hope

Lord, let my mind and soul rest in you, be refreshed in the Spirit, be renewed in the strength of Christ.

Father, reach for your children who are weak, who struggle with doubts, sin, or offenses, who lose sight of the way, who are overwhelmed by the power of the enemy, who feel alone in their faith.

God of spirits, make us holy and devout, infuse us with a sense of your presence, sweep away all resistance in our mind, show us the future of our hope.

Try gourmet prayers

How about trying gourmet prayers — where you gather many ingredients, not just one? They take longer, but are very special and rewarding.Your menu is your prayer list. People on your list don’t even have to be people who [you] know personally. They can be from the newspaper, teachers at a local school, government officials, your neighbors, your congregation. List people by name. Pray for them by name.

via Inspirations By Katheryn.

For those destroyed by other’s sins

Loving Lord, we pray for those whose humanity is destroyed by the sins of others:

  • for children and spouses and family of addicts,
  • for people maimed and killed by drunk or careless drivers,
  • for those imprisoned in the sex trade and prostitution,
  • for innocent victims of war and soldiers suffering trauma,
  • for citizens oppressed by their governments.

Lord, in your mercy hear our prayer, may your restoring gospel reach them, to give them life and hope. Put us in the way of such as these, that we might serve them. In Christ’s name, Amen.

O God of all comfort, ease the pain of those who mourn

O God of all comfort, ease the pain of those who mourn,
Give focus to him who lies between two paths, confused and torn;
Give time, another day, for change, to him who hesitates,
Fulfill deferred hopes and distant dreams of the one who waits;
Give bread and drink to empty stomachs, clothe the naked boy,
Give homes to homeless men, infuse the broken heart with joy;
Hold up the hands of the weary, put strength and courage in trembling knees,
Secure the lonely traveler, protect the sailors on stormy seas;
All this and more, O Lord, we ask, of you, the Father who cares,
And make us more the family who with the needy shares.