Lord, Make

Lord, make my spoken words be few —
and wholesome! By them change and save
one life — or many — of pagan or Jew,
of worldly or pious, of noble or knave.

Lord, make me bite my tongue when the mind
would spew out garbage thoughtlessly —
and loosen it freely when I find
an act to praise — or on my knee.

Lord, make me a child whose words and actions
agree — who follows what he speaks —
who’s guided by love, not heated passions —
who’s strong in faith, but in wrath is weak.

Lord, make your Name my lips’ best praise —
your glory my charm and disposition —
your mercy and grace my constant phrase —
your love my joyous, eternal mission.

Fill my heart

Heavenly Father, fill my heart, so that nothing else may occupy that space. Take complete control, O God, of my being.

Keep me from divided loyalties. Let no interest, passion, love, or addiction pull parts of me away. I put all of my life under your sovereignty.

Let love of words not keep me from the reality of you. Continue reading “Fill my heart”

Quick actions

Our heavenly Father, make our actions as quick as our words. Let us speak little and act with integrity.

Let us put away excuses and accept responsibility for our lives. Wake us to the consequences of our actions.

Help us choose those behaviors that show the earnestness of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
