Stores of Powers

Holy, holy, holy is your name,
Eternal Lord! — All glory is yours! —
In Christ are endless treasures and stores
Of powers! To him we lay our claim.

These have I found

In your faithfulness, O God, do I trust. I know you will carry through, you will hold me fast, you will make me stand.

In Christ are mercy, kindness, tenderness, and love. These have I found.

There is nothing in the world for me. Its promise is empty. Its end is death.

Heaven holds all to me. In Christ are your fullness and my fulfillment.

Your goodness has no limits. With you all is possible. Praise to you for every moment filled with love and light.

Everything we want

Father, everything we want to see happen in this world — justice, peace, prosperity, joy, love — is contained in the gospel of Jesus Christ.

We desire and pray for a peaceful and and quiet life in our respective cities and countries. We pray that persecution, when it comes, may not cause us to question our faith.

Let our constancy be firm, our kindness always evident, our love unwavering in the face of hatred, meanness, and evil.

Let no one rob us of our joy in Christ.

I want to live his life

Lord God who makes himself present among his people, thank you for coming in the person of Jesus Christ. I want to be in him. I want to live his life, having died his death. Prepare that eternal place for me, as I obey and welcome your habitation with me now.

Make today a day of joy and progress for the kingdom. Make this day a day of grace and love. Bring to us your power and truth.

Forgive and give us strength to resist temptation. Thank you for the victory in Christ. Let us keep our eyes on the resurrection, that makes all our efforts here worthwhile.