To Hear Another’s Need

Father, let me set aside my thoughts
To hear — really hear — my neighbor’s heart;
Let mine be genuine love that promotes
Acceptance, understanding of joy and hurt.

With harsh and mean opinion, let judgment cease —
I’d look upon the other as fellow prey
Of Satan, fellow goal of grace, remiss
In holiness, where mercy and patience apply.

To hear another’s need, I must assume
My own — confess, in all humility,
That I as well require, in your good time,
O Lord, a kind, expansive maturity.

In me make love unselfish and complete,
As you bless both the righteous and unjust;
Let prejudice meet, at last, its full defeat,
And victory come to meekness, as it must.


Before you, Lord, I humble my soul,
In need of love and grace and sight;
Lift up my heart, I give it whole,
Empower my hands to save and smite.

To save the lost, to smite the foe,
To love the lonely, to flee from wrong,
To walk the way of Christ below,
To join the angels in heavenly song.