Lord, let no worldly thought disturb
Your peace in me, no passion curb
My joy in Christ, let nothing cause
The loss of faith — let me give pause
To count my blessings — show me hope
That outlives time, the fuller scope
Of spiritual power, the depth of love,
Your majesty in the form of a dove.
You Richly Give Us All Good Things
You richly give us all good things
for our enjoyment, but instead,
we set our hope on them, becoming
haughty, thinking we produced them.
We are rich in this world’s goods,
but keep our hope on you, and teach us,
then we’ll do lasting good to others,
be rich in works of blessed deeds,
generous givers, sharing with others.
We’d save up treasure for ourselves,
a firm foundation for the future,
and so take hold of truest life.
As Captain of our lives, O God,
make it so, and turn our thoughts
to eternal rewards, not earthly riches.
Let time and strength and wealth be given
to high pursuits and holy ways.
Show us how uncertain is wealth,
How sure your word and will and work.
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Swings of faith
O Lord, my swings of faith on your hanging ropes —
Let grow my grip, increase my eternal hopes.
In Suffering Let My Faith Revive
So many needs, so many cries
In this old world of sin and pain,
How quick are we to believe our eyes,
And easy to forget you reign. Continue reading “In Suffering Let My Faith Revive”
Make me true
Make me true, O God, inside and out,
With a single eye, and undiluted light,
An undivided heart, where grows no doubt,
A joyful walk by faith, and not by sight. Continue reading “Make me true”
A bubble of hope
Give us a new spirit, O God, willing to risk for you, with the joy of life in our hearts and grace always upon our lips.
Let complaint not mar our day. Continue reading “A bubble of hope”
Prayer: The bird is quiet in its nest
While sleeping men have yet to rise,
And the bird is quiet in its nest,
While stars still shine in velvet skies,
And the circling sun still lies at rest, Continue reading “Prayer: The bird is quiet in its nest”
Prayer: For a year of life
For a year of life, on this last day
Of Two-Thirteen, we give you thanks,
For Sol’s bright light, for evening’s gray,
To be alive with blessed saints. Continue reading “Prayer: For a year of life”
The future, weary or fair
I know not on the morrow
What earthly joy or sorrow
May fall to me to bear,
The future, weary or fair.
As long as breath may tarry,
Whatever weight I carry,
No burden can compare
To heaven’s golden square.