The Humble Son to Lead

You, O Lord, created me,
A living soul,
A breathing spirit, full and free,
Complete and whole.

You gave me life, and I was filled
With joy and love;
You blessed, your presence spilled
From heaven above.

We ruined the best, your presence spurned,
Our minds rebelled,
To you, O God, our backs were turned,
Our hope expelled.

The Lord refused to leave us be,
He had a plan—
A rescue from eternity
To save his man.

Continue reading “The Humble Son to Lead”

Tomorrow a Mystery

O Lord, tomorrow is a mystery,
And even the next hour reveals no secrets,
So let us in this moment, in the present,
Serve our Lord and Master and fear your Name.

We trust in your control of our years and days,
Believe you guide the world to its proper end,
We know in Christ that all things come together,
In all man’s doings you will be glorified.

Our joy is this: our treasures await us in heaven,
The Lord is at the door and soon will come,
Your power is hope, your promise never fails,
And perfect love will hold us till the last.

Time as Friend

Lord, let us see our time on earth as our friend,
With every thought and action geared to the end,
To learn, prepare, and grow in full desire,
For your most glorious presence in pure attire.

Lord, let us know that life is made of hours,
And moments, being present, with mental powers
In focus on our eternal purpose — earth
And heaven anew, with saints of spiritual birth.

Lord, let us find in Christ the only way
To you and all your hosts — for this we pray
And work and wait, as age and wisdom grow —
In hope, we think this passing time is slow.

Things that don’t make sense

  1. Zeal without knowledge, Prov 19.2; Rom 10.2.
  2. Riches without wisdom, Eccl 4.13; Mark 10.17-27.
  3. Sex without commitment, Gen 2.24; Heb 13.4.
  4. Hope without reason, Prov 10.28; 1 Pet 3.15.
  5. Faith without obedience, Acts 6.7; Rom 1.5; Jas 2.14-26.

What points might you add?

Answer to Prayer

Hope for me, a light, no matter how faint,
From heaven shines — even when evils paint
Their darkest colors and into the heart the cold
Of doubt seeps and chills, when men grow bold
To oppress the poor and weak — but still I see
That ray descending — answer to prayer — to free
My soul from despair. O save me, Lord — ’tis gone
My strength, awaiting the sun beyond the dawn.

Help us to look ahead

Father, help us to look ahead, in order to prepare for future opportunities, to be ready for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Let us lay aside worries about tomorrow in order to take up the hope of your promises.

Let us forget ourselves, for our joy.

Let us focus on serving, for the blessing of others.

Let us follow the Lord Jesus, for your glory.

Within Us Reign

Give us peace, O God, in life and death,
In work and rest, among the frenzied crowds;
Within us reign, our Lord, while we have breath,
While we await your coming in the clouds.


Show us the future of our hope

Lord, let my mind and soul rest in you, be refreshed in the Spirit, be renewed in the strength of Christ.

Father, reach for your children who are weak, who struggle with doubts, sin, or offenses, who lose sight of the way, who are overwhelmed by the power of the enemy, who feel alone in their faith.

God of spirits, make us holy and devout, infuse us with a sense of your presence, sweep away all resistance in our mind, show us the future of our hope.

My first and last

Let my first thought be of you, dear God, and my last; thoughts of how to please you, to seek you, to serve you, to glorify you.

Let my first step be toward your presence, and my last in the footsteps of Christ; steps of holiness, wisdom, and joy.

Let my first breath be to thank you for love and reconciliation, O Lord, and my last to ask for the entrance into the eternal kingdom.