Give Me Grace

Give me grace, O Lord,
to bear the burden of the day.
Give me peace, O King,
to pass to sufferers in the way.
Give me light, O God,
to see the path that I must tread.
Give me life, O Father,
from him who’s risen from the dead.

Give me love, O Sovereign,
such as on earth I’ve never known.
Give me hope, O Lamb,
of righteous fruit that I have sown.
Give me faith, O Faithful,
that wavers not when I am tried.
Give me word, O Lord,
that you with me will ever abide.

Worthy of Trust

The Lord my God is worthy of trust,
In you I put my heart and soul,
This world’s possessions turn to dust,
So eternal life is all my goal.

O Father, every moment I breathe,
I hear the call of heaven’s lure,
Preserve me while the nations seethe,
In peace prepare your people pure.

The strongholds rise on every side,
The devil’s darts come flaming down;
Be now my shield and certain guide,
For I desire the living crown.

Our Lives for Heavenly Homes

The world is awash in lies and deception.
Guide us in your truth, O Lord.
Greet us with your eternal love.
Faithful is your every promise.

Keep us from the father of lies.
Our humble hearts would hear your word.
Make us faithful servants of Christ,
Giving our lives for heavenly homes.

Father of lights, let peace settle
Upon our souls with gentle signs.
We sing your praise for full salvation,
For growing hope in cleansing blood.

Let us be true and transparent

Our Father in Heaven,

  • In our prayers, words, and acts let us be true and transparent.
  • Make our hearts whole in devotion to your word and will.
  • Let our motives be set on entering eternal life in heaven.
  • Cause the facts, promises, commands, and truths of the gospel to be ever more precious to us.
  • May the Holy Spirit occupy our minds and souls completely.
  • Purify us more and more that we may be sanctified in Christ.
  • Strengthen our heavenly hope in the midst of life’s disappointments.
  • Develop our love for you, for our brothers and sisters in Christ, for the lost of mankind.

We ask this because Jesus is our Lord and Savior.

The breath of our being

Glorious God,

  • May prayer become more and more a constant in our lives, the breath of our being.
  • Bring to faith those who are searching Scripture for evidence of your goodness.
  • Convert us all, O Lord, that we might be truly converted.
  • Make the Kingdom arrive in many hearts so that many children are brought to your glory.
  • We trust that you will provide for our every need, Father. Send us forward well supplied.
  • We walk by faith, not be sight, and we love him whom we do not see. Strengthen our hearts and minds in this walk!
  • Our hope is in you — may our Lord Jesus come quickly!

Put Our Hope in the Living God

Most work hard for a paycheck, but if the company can no longer give us money for our work, we no longer show up.  We have a certain amount of loyalty but largely are not intrinsically invested in our jobs.  This is just the opposite of our walk with Christ–and good thing!  We must obey God, but heaven is not given to us because of our obedience.  We cannot work for our salvation; it is a gift.  In some ways, this seeming disconnect makes it harder for Christians to persevere and be faithful unto death if we must rely on grace through Jesus’ work on the cross that has nothing to do with us.

This is why we are left with one of the three big gifts (1 Corinthians 13:8-13)–hope!

I. Hebrews 6:17-20.  Hope is our motivator.  God, who never lies, confirmed eternity for us with an oath, so we might flee our old life of sin and selfishness and take hold of the only thing that can save us–His unchangeable promise of heaven!  It was this hope or the “joy set before him” that got Jesus through the cross to motivate us to throw off hindrances and sin and not grow weary in the Christian walk (Hebrews 12:1-3).

II. 1 Timothy 4:7-10.  We labor and strive because of hope in the living God.  When asked if he wanted to leave Him too, Peter replied that there was no one else to turn to (John 6:66-69).  Before the Sanhedrin, he declared that salvation was found in no one else (Acts 4:8-12).  But, the very nature of hope is that it is always just out of reach, and it is so hard to wait (Romans 8:23-25).  Yes, it is!

III. Mark 14:66-72.  There was a time when Peter had let go of hope.  It was Thursday through his talk with the resurrected Christ while eating some fish (John 21:15-19).  Having denied Jesus, the very thing he swore he would not do, Peter slunk back to huddle with those who had deserted their Master while Jesus was crucified and buried.  On the resurrection Sunday, the omniscient God calls him out when He, through the angel, tells the women at the tomb to tell “his disciples and Peter” (Mark 16:7).

When we sin, we let go of the hope that we have taken hold of to return to that which we have fled from.  We become like Peter, even pretending to fit in with His disciples today at church.  We must repent and re-grasp this great gift of hope, letting it be our motivator to walk as Jesus did (1 John 2:6).

Show me your glory

Father, thank you for the pleasant and edifying time with the saints. It is a joy to be with your family of faith. You are to be praised for your wisdom in making us your people with one mind and heart.

  • Give us a harmonious spirit, help us to be sympathetic to one another, to show affection and compassion to each other, and to be humble in every way.
  • Let the evil of others keep us from responding in kind. Help us to bless others, regardless of their actions toward us.
  • Help us to do right and to see our blessing of doing so even under duress and suffering.
  • Prepare us to answer those who ask about the hope we possess.
  • Keep us from having any reason for shame.
  • Thank you that Christ suffered to bring us to you and that we were given the grace of baptism for our salvation.
  • Thank you for his resurrection which is our guarantee of being raised to heaven.

Show me your glory, O God, that I might never lose sight of my goal.

Based on 1 Peter 3. If this prayer blessed you, please share it with someone else.

Waiting is hard

Father, waiting is hard, for we cannot see ahead.
We wonder if you’ve forgotten us.
Like Sarah, we think you might need an extra hand.
We think we must have it now.
What confusion between wants and needs!
Remind us that you do not fail.
That you often save and help at the last minute.
That you use this interval for our good.
You teach us dependence upon your grace.
Father, help me wait patiently, quietly.
I watch today for your generous hand.
And I will watch tomorrow and the next day, if need be.
As long as you see fit.

This prayer was inspired by a devotional mentioned here.

We look for Jesus to return today

Heavenly Father, we look for Jesus to return today, not because today is THE day, but because he could come at any time. We prepare ourselves for him. We desire his coming. We pray you may send him soon. Our salvation will arrive with him.

While we wait, we work. We warn others that they must prepare, also. We offer the message to all who need to hear it. Make our proclamation effective and urgent. Make us feel its urgency and power.

We thank you for this hope. Our lives would have no meaning otherwise. The eternal service makes our work here worthwhile. The heavenly promise makes life here joyful. Where time and tears are no more, where the sea and suffering are banished, there is our desire focused when here our work is finished.

You are to be praised for your eternal purpose in Christ, for your guiding and empowering Spirit, for your saving and faith-building word, for your confirming and edifying church.

Build Pillars of Faith

Father God, in the face of doubt,
Build pillars of faith in the solid Word;
When clouds obscure my future home,
Make hope shine brightly all about.
If the heart feels hurts that time can’t heal,
Burn the laser of love to seal the wound.
For lack and need and empty lives,
Pour out your fullness on us who plead.