Take, Lord, All My Liberty

Take, Lord, all my liberty,
Receive my failing memory,
My mind for thought, my heart for feeling,
And all I have and now am seeking.

You give, and I to you restore,
I cannot struggle any more;
Illusions led me far away —
Come keep the preying wolves at bay.

Your glory shines as brightly ever,
Your grace, a strong and moving river;
With tenderness, you waken souls,
No word of yours or promise fails.

Make rise, O Spirit, these prayers to heaven,
These wordless yearnings deeply driven;
Such wisps of thought and stirrings unformed
With the Kingdom’s reasonable tongue be framed.

A few lines at the beginning were inspired by a prayer by Ignatius of Loyola, published in the Oxford Book of Prayer, by George Appleton. Please join us in these prayers by signing up to receive them by email.

Let Truth Take Form

Make real in us your Spirit’s presence —
Let truth take form, your fullness expand
To occupy all emptiness —
Bring power, O Lord, by your command!


What gifts received, the wealth of heaven
poured down! — and not for us alone,
but service in the Cross’s shadow.

What work received, to enter the Lord’s
eternal mission! — a world awaits
to hear the news of God’s salvation.

What Spirit received, for God himself
to abide in every heart! — Come, O Lord
in mine, prepare me and be present.

If man think ill

Teach me your ways, O Lord, that I
Might walk a holy man, and please
In every step, to satisfy
Your will, offering the kingdom’s keys
That  men to self might die;
I seek Your face — if man think ill,
So be it — Your Spirit on me spill.


The language of prayer

Sometimes the words come tumbling out,
As a rush of hurts, a race of pain,
Confusing thoughts in fevered babble;

Or as now when circumstances numb the senses,
No words, no thoughts, no will to move,
Only the Spirit within can speak from my heart.