Steps Toward Righteousness

Our Father in Heaven, by whom a single word
Brings light and worlds to exist, and souls to life,
We thank you for our steps toward righteousness,
A daily journey, from grace to greater grace.

To us it seems a distance toward your presence,
But you remind us you are always near,
And close to all your sons and daughters of faith,
Directing, guiding, guarding all the way.

To you we sing: Holy, holy, holy!
And thank you for your love and patient mercy.
O Savior! Give us patience with ourselves,
And none with sin, in our walk with you.

That She Might Be Holy

In the Beauty & the Beast, it is the beast who changes over the course of the story.  That’s how we would like wedding supper of the Lamb to go.  “Just As I Am” means that Christ ought to accept His bride without any change on her part while the Lion of Judah must be transformed into our image.

The Bible, however, shows a very different picture–one that describes a process of perfection that we must undergo to share in Jesus’ holiness.

I.  Ephesians 5:25.  Like God’s people of the Old Testament (Deuteronomy 7:6-8), there’s nothing special about us that the Bridegroom would choose us (1 Corinthians 1:26-28).  We are the nothings of this world, despised and rejected (Ezekiel 16:4-7), yet God loved us, and Jesus gave Himself for us (John 3:16-17).

II.  Ephesians 5:26.  We are not okay the way we are but dirty, sinful, and separated from Him.  Jesus perfects His bride, the church, through a sanctification process (Ezekiel 16:8-12).  This was made possible through His sacrifice on the cross and involves much discipline on our part (Hebrews 12:7-14).  The result, however, is that we share in His holiness if we are trained by it (Ephesians 4:20-24).

III.  Ephesians 5:27.   Once perfected, we advance to royalty (Ezekiel 16:13-14) as the King of Kings presents the church to Himself (1 Peter 2:9-10).  There is no doubt that the sanctified bride will be presented to the Lion of Judah (Revelation 21:1-4).  All that is to be determined is if you will be part of the bride.

We are given the opportunity to share in Christ’s character–holiness, but many do not work out their salvation with fear and trembling.  In describing how God’s people of the Old Testament did not go through the sanctification process, Ezekiel gives us a bleak picture of their end in Ezekiel 16:15-22.  May we remember where we’ve been, recall the price of our sanctification, and live our new lives as the bride of Christ.

Above, from Heaven

Above, from heaven, look down upon us, O God,
We would not do the worldly things we did,
Alone we cannot win against the flesh,
Give power to put our weakness to the lash.

Build up the will to please our risen Lord,
And every mean and base desire discard,
A holy spirit worthy of heaven’s glory,
For this, O Father, we are in a hurry!

Strong to deal with the devil

Father, forgive us our sins. We stand in constant need of your cleansing. We confess our inability to deal with our guilt. You alone can purify us.

Father, help us to be holy, as you are holy. Sanctify us in the truth. Jesus is our sacrifice. We plead for forgiveness based on his death.

Father, keep temptation away. Make us strong to deal with the devil. Help us to seek help from our family of faith. Make us strong helpers of the weak.

Father, thank you for accepting our prayer. We praise you for your goodness and for your sacrificial love. Your presence gives us life. Your word offers us hope. May you be blessed forevermore.

Train Yourself to be Godly

As Christians in the 21st Century, we have more leisure time than any other people living in any other time period in history.  Technology and inventions have drastically cut down what we need to do just to survive.  But, greater time doesn’t equal better choices.  If we’re honest, we’ve become spiritual couch potatoes–especially if we compare ourselves to the pioneers who worked fifteen hours a day cutting trees and pulling stumps just to plow the ground to grow food to eat.  It was only then by oil lamp that they would study God’s Word to know His will.

I. 1 Timothy 4:6-8.  The process to get into spiritual shape is much like getting into physical shape.  Just as we must choose to deny ourselves unhealthy foods and exercise regularly, so we must deny ourselves, take up our crosses, and follow Jesus (Mark 8:31-35).  Neither happens from the couch!

II.  1 Peter 1:13-16.  To get spiritually in shape we must be holy as God is holy–and this too is part of God’s spiritual training program.  Even though it’s hard, we must choose to be trained by it (Hebrews 12:7-13).  Sexual holiness is a big struggle for us today in this sin-soaked culture (1 Corinthians 6:12-20).

III.  Romans 12:9-13.  Someone who only works out at the gym serves only himself if he doesn’t use those muscles to help a friend move or carry in the groceries … so do those who only have a vertical relationship with God through prayer and study of His Word.  God wants us to serve others (Galatians 5:13).  What personal ministry does your spiritual training propel you to do?

We can either watch the spiritual Olympics from our spiritual couches with the spiritual remotes in our hands or we could participate in them.  Are you in training?

Jesus and me

Father, the lack of zeal in self dismays me. Jesus died for the zeal he felt for your house. Ignite my fervor for your kingdom.

And not only in me, but in others diligence is missing. Jesus did all your will and spoke just as you told him. Give your people that same dedication, that same attention to detail and to the larger picture.

How far I feel from your holy nature! Jesus sanctified himself in order to know and please you. Purge me of all defilement, for I desire to see you after this earthly life has ended.

My love is imperfect, I still judge people by appearance, often sizing them up by what they might could do for me. Jesus loved everyone, offered them acceptance, was willing to give opportunity to all to be a part of his family. Perfect your love in me, so that I might see every person as one of your special creatures.

What Distance Gapes

Before your glory, O God, we see our sin —
Hideous, horrible, ripping you from our souls —
What distance gapes between your holiness
And our uncleanness! Woe is me! — Woe!
The hand must cover the mouth: “Impure! Impure!”
To wash our hearts, to whom, to whom must we go?

Yours Is the Day

Yours is the day, yours also the night,
Creator of every heavenly light,
Sun, moon, and stars unnumbered,
Before your greatness man is humbled.

You do not sleep, nor nap, nor slumber,
The hairs of our head, you know their number,
We fall before your holy beauty,
Teach us, Lord, our divine duty.

Energy and motivation today

Father of your people, thank you for bringing us to life. Give us energy and motivation today to serve with love and kindness.

Prepare me for that great day in heaven.

Give me ever greater assurance of salvation and of your existence, of your nature to reward the one who seeks you.

Help me live in holiness and fear of you.

Thank you for the blessings of the morning, for the lovingkindess of the day, for the peace and contentment of the evening.

Make your presence known.

Yours is the praise, the honor, and glory now and forever.

The World and Worries Away

Help put the world and worries away!
We live in faith, O Lord, and love
For things above—remove from us
The cares of tomorrow and carnal worship—
Part light from darkness, life from death—
Make us holy, like your Spirit—
Breathe upon us, break us free!