The years roll on

Father in heaven, the years roll on, and life accelerates, rushing toward the end. We pray for Jesus’ return, so we welcome our meeting together with him. This earth holds little for us besides the ones we love. We wish to be in heaven with them as well. But nothing can dampen our desire to be with Christ.

Support us as we live now in the present, that we might eat and work with your blessing. We seek the kingdom first and trust in your goodness to provide our needs.

The coming holidays and year’s end bring concerns, but let us see in the turning of the calendar still more evidence of your hand and your care for us. You hold this world and move it around the sun. You hold our lives in your hands as well, we rejoice in your goodness.

Let our minds continually ponder your power and mercy for your people. We rest in your shadow, we are renewed by your sun and rain and fruit of nourishment.

You, Father, have given us life and strength and purpose. We glorify you for your perfect plan and for the freedom in Christ to serve and grow. Make us complete in him.