Ask What I Shall Give You

Is it better to “grow up in the church” or to escape the world to seek truth on your own?  The first may not know the sharp edge of the world’s heartache, but often a personal faith is taken for granted and underdeveloped.  The second can create an abiding faith but a lifetime of overcoming sinful habits and baggage.  Inheriting the kingdom from his father, Solomon began well as someone who grew up in the church often does.  But, did he seek God or let his heart be led astray?

I.  1 Kings 3:3-28.  In the beginning of his reign, Solomon loved God and walked in the way of his father, King David, yet as he still worshipped at the high places, there’s a hint that his heart wasn’t fully after God’s heart like David’s was (Acts 13:22).  He asks for wisdom or discernment to govern God’s people, which pleased God, and he was granted many other blessings.  What can an abundance of God’s grace do in a heart, vulnerable to temptation and sin, that is not fully chasing God?

II.  2 Samuel 12:7-9.  When David had yielded to sin, the prophet Nathan tells him that God had given him much and would have given him much more, but David had repaid God’s grace by despising God’s Word.  This principle is carried out in the New Testament by Jesus (Matthew 25:29).  We must prove faithful in what we have been entrusted, so that God can use us in even bigger ways.  Sadly, Solomon did not do this, allowing his blessings, projects, and power (2 Chronicles 1:14-17) and the comfort found in sin (1 Kings 11:1-4) lead his heart astray.  Clearly, the wisdom he had to warn against such falling (Proverbs 5:1-9) wasn’t enough to safeguard his heart.

III.  Philippians 4:4-7.  If we seek God and His Kingdom first (Matthew 6:33) and ask for wisdom (James 1:5-8), we must still apply these things to our hearts to truly live for Christ and honor Him as holy (1 Peter 3:13-16).  How do we do this?  We must sell all that this world has to offer (Matthew 13:44) and press on to the goal despite obstacles (Philippians 3:12-16), holding on to what we have already obtained and adding to that in increasing measure (2 Peter 1:3-11).  Then God will guard our hearts.

What could Solomon have achieved if he hadn’t let his heart be led astray?  How could God use you if you used what you’ve already been entrusted with to seek Him and His Kingdom?

All the Secrets of My Soul

“We can talk directly to Him as our Father, telling Him all the secrets of our soul.” —Ruby Ramsey, A Daily Dose of God’s Word, May 18

All the secrets of my soul
Are yours to know, O Lord — I’ve told
Them time and again — Omniscient God
Who knows before the word is spoken!
But somehow you want to hear me say it.
In my unhiding, I ask forgiveness —
Strength in weakness — straighter paths —
Assurance of love — no shadow of darkness.
You sent your Son revealing your heart;
And here is mine, O God, complete.

Promised to Him

Remove myself, O Sovereign, as the center,
Into my heart as Lord let Jesus enter;
For him I die — the kingdom my surrender,
His cross for glory, eternal crown of splendor.

Zeal that comes from Christ, pure and single,
No human view or earthly prize to mingle,
Promised to him, sincere and whole devotion,
Owner of every thought and deed and emotion.

From Deep Within

From deep within we open our lives,
O God, that you might enter and dwell;
As Lord who calms the winds and waves,
May you our fears and worries quell.

Our minds are small

Our minds are small, but you, O Lord, know no limits. Expand our horizons.

Our hearts are divided, Father, but you are one. Give us integrity.

Our souls are lost, O God, but you are Finder and Savior. Redeem us from the grave.

Our bodies feel the burden of sin, O Holy Spirit, but you are incorruptible. Give us eternal life.

Look into my heart

Father, look into my heart. You know what’s there.
You know the corners that still hide the darkness.
Sweep in with your light to cleanse and purify.
Make me pure for full possession by your Spirit.
Take full control of my being, words, and actions.
Let Jesus lead in every step along the way.
May he grow before my eyes and in the world’s sight.
Enlarge the only true hope of eternal life.
Build up our holy faith as your chosen ones.
Strengthen our hands for faithful life and service.

The Heart-Knower

By John Henson, Dibrill congregation, McMinnville TN

  1. God knows your heart, Luke 16:15.
  2. The great heart-knower consulted, Acts 1:24.
  3. The one who searches the heart cares, Romans 8:26-28.
  4. What does he know about your heart?