Bible pictures

Read Hebrews 11

God who promises an eternal city,

The ancients walked in faith.
They saw beyond the visible.
They hoped for a better country.

Abraham, Moses, Joseph,
And countless others never saw
What they’d been promised.

And we, today, O God,
Go by what we see,
Rather than what we might hear.

Even Bibles now have pictures.
Verses on the internet
Have to show an image.

We’re deaf and, truly, blind.
Open my ears, O Lord,
That I might hear your Word.

Turn my sight away
From colors that excite,
To simple black and white.

Focus my heart to delight
In words of power from Heaven,
Where you in glory rule.

In Christ, I pray, Amen.

Physical vs. spiritual

Lord God, what a blessing that, even though as we get older our physical hearing tends to worsen, our spiritual hearing can get ever so sharper! Thank you for appealing to our mind so that we can hear and understand the Good News of Jesus Christ.

We know that you have chosen the means of speaking by saints and hearing by sinners to bring salvation to all, and that there is no other means by which you save. We are humbled, O Lord, to have heard the message. Let us listen more carefully than ever to the Word we received. And let us be the ones through whom others hear about this marvelous plan of salvation in Jesus Christ!