Time to rethink

Thank you, Father, for upsets in life,
both great and small, as they provide
time to rethink, to see anew
processes and objectives, goals
and means, and even deeper things:
the whys and wherefores, the basis
of reason, faith and abiding hope.

Guide me, Lord, to the other side,
to purer joy and eternal love.

The good things of this world

Father, the good things of this world all come from you.
Nothing that is good has any other source.
And all that is bad and evil is not your doing.
Remove harmful and wrong thoughts and motives from our hearts.
Fill our minds with spiritual purpose.
Strengthen our hands for good works.
Fill us with your Spirit of power.
Make Jesus our reason for life.
Grow in us the seed of gratitude.
May the good of this world make us yearn for that of eternity.
Establish our hearts in your grace.
We pray because the Lord is our intercessor. Amen.

Where Must We Start?

Where must we start if not with praise
and gratitude for all good gifts
and all good saints whose faith,
strong motivation, work of love,
and patience in hope, show their election
as your chosen people? God are you,
the Father of all who answer your call,
of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior,
the true and living God, who raised
your Son from death and liberates
from coming wrath. Like Paul’s long sentence
in Ephesians One — he cannot stop,
but lists your many benefits,
all spiritual blessings in Christ the Lord —
we, too, go on and on, remembering
your mercy renewed every morning.
Dear God of heaven and earth, who looks
upon his people from glory’s throne —
again this day send down your kindness:
redeem, restore, enlighten, refresh.
Your power we need, your deep compassion,
your very presence is our desire;
with you we find contented peace,
eternal purpose in every hour,
unquenchable joy in deepest pain.
We turn to you, Creator of stars
and molecules, of body and soul —
all else we gladly leave behind.

In Charge

Words are not sufficient
to express my gratitude
for patience on your part
toward slow decisions to change.

I give you thanks, O Lord,
for powers I’ve never known,
and ask that thorns of weakness
be gone, and in their place,
a strength of mind and heart.
Three times and more I’ve pleaded,
desiring to overcome,
but met with heavenly silence.

Yes, grace, I know, is mine,
sufficient to the task,
but I’d prefer, if possible,
another path to victory.
Can I not choose my struggles?
I did not ask for these!

To you, O God, I render
all claims of being in charge.
To you, my will, my life,
my future, is in your hands.

Give peace in fiercest battles,
calm in troubled waters.
Be present, O my Father.

What Precious Gift

What precious gift is life this day,
To freely breathe the air,
To order thoughts and the mind obey,
To seek your presence in prayer!

What countless blessings daily arrive,
Your tender mercies renewed!
From you all excellent things derive,
To you is my gratitude.

The birds with little effort fly,
You give them daily food;
On you, O Lord, like them, I rely,
My source of constant good.

The Promise of All Promises

God the consummate Planner,

Eternal life is the promise of all promises,
From eternity you planned it for us in Christ,
A life of quantity and quality, of length and depth,
Of love and joy and all that is good in you.

What wonderful life to have you reigning over us,
Living in us, and working effectively through us,
And giving us usefulness and purpose and worthy goal,
Something greater than the world and outlasting time itself!

Praise and power belong to you, and we give you thanks,
Father of lights, from whom all good things flow,
And none better than the fullness of life everlasting,
This treasure of all treasure, this gift of all gifts.

From Christ and in him, amen.

Make Gratitude Grow

Our blessed Father in Heaven,

Make gratitude grow in my heart for all your mercies.
You’ve walked with me in all my difficult journeys.
My every need you’ve satisfied in time.
I had no want, for you remained the same.
In highs and lows, Lord, you’re my constant stay.
What consolation! Under my Rock I lie.
Thank you, O God! To you I give my worries.

In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Show me love and power

Heavenly Father, show me your love and power
Your child am I — created in your image
You know my needs, my every fear and pain
I trust in you — on you I wait in silence

Still my troubled heart and restless mind
Sustain me with your every promise kept
By day I search for you till setting sun
Your name upon my lips in dark of night

Thanks I give for what I have been given,
For what I’ll still receive — Whatever my want
I’ll not complain, but think of Jesus Christ,
Who walked the lonely road to Calvary’s tree.

To Begin and End with You

To begin and end with you
Is all a man could dream of.
The dawn of each new day
Brings copious gifts from heaven;
To offer a prayer of thanks,
That dissident act of courage.
Provide, O Lord, each need
Of your obedient people.
What joy to speak at your feet,
The Sovereign God of powers!
Come bless your humble servant
With naught but nearest presence.

Thank you

Father in Heaven,

  • Thank you for saving us in the storm, for survival in the assaults of Satan.
  • Thank you that we have joy in the midst of suffering, because you give us reason for the pain and hope of eternal felicity.
  • Thank you for friends, family, and neighbors who are kind and generous.
  • Thank you for the gift of your Son who brings us redemption through the forgiveness of sin.
  • Thank you for your Spirit who informs, transforms, and overcomes the evil one.
  • Thank you for the certainty of salvation, for the surety of truth, for the confidence of faith.
  • Thank you, Lord, for the opportunity to serve, for a reason to live, for the purpose of relationship with you, now and forever.
