What Word Have We to Say?

What word, O Lord, have we to say
but praise and gratitude?
From your good hand, day by day,
come life and love and food.

O God, let grace for abounding grace
be found upon our lips;
For heaven’s blessing in every place
all pains and hurts eclipse.

Made You Alive with Christ

In David LaChapelle’s painting, “Last Supper,” Jesus is surrounded by the sinners of today, yet Romans 5:6-8 tells us that “while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”  Thus in the cross we see God’s love shown through His benevolence.

I.  Colossians 2:13-14.  We were dead in our sin, but God made us alive with Christ.  Through His work on the cross, we can see His benevolence through His forgiveness and justice.  While it is easy to see love in not counting our sins against us, it is harder to see love in Jesus dying to pay for our sin.

II. Hebrews 4:14-16.  Mercy is not getting what we do deserve, and grace is getting what we don’t deserve.  Because of God’s benevolence in the form of His Son on the cross, we don’t have to be eternally punished for our sin and will spend eternity in heaven with Jesus instead (Romans 3:21-26).

III. Ephesians 2:1-5.  We who have received God’s benevolence must, in turn, show benevolence to others.  This is illustrated well in Jesus’ parable of Matthew 18:21-35 in the story of the debtor, forgiven of his debt, who wouldn’t forgive another of the debt owed to him.

God’s love, as shown through Jesus’ redemptive work on the cross, brings us to another table, one laid out for the wedding supper of the Lamb.  We are spiritual beggars, knowing we are not worthy of a scrap from the King of King’s table, yet we find ourselves in robes washed clean and seated at the table, feasting for all eternity.

Among the Olive Trees

Take from me, O Lord, my every burden.
To you, O God, I give this day’s battle.
Let this small struggle never return to me.
To you I release it, surrendered now and forever.

Give plentiful help to meet my needs this hour:
Your hand to raise me up, your sacrifice
To pull me out of self and into grace,
Your love to stir rejoicing that shatters silence.

Your Spirit’s gift of presence, give me fully,
That I might have to freely give to others;
Among the olive trees my Lord was never alone.
And I, with him, alone will never be.

What Greater Good?

What greater good, O Lord, than grace
To come into your calming presence?
What glory brings such gladness as yours,
Shared with all, unshadowed by pride?
What depth of love, undying love,
From distance descended down to man?
O Lord, what mercy to lift the soul
To unimagined heights of joy?
The ocean’s waves can never swell
So greatly as our gratitude.

A seat for me

Even in my trials and deep distress,
You find a seat for me at Jesus’ table,
Humbly I come in mercy’s finest dress,
To eat and drink, O Lord, you make me able.

Three times and more I’d ask you to remove
These thorns that weigh upon my weakened shoulder;
But no! Your strength and sustenance I must prove,
Become a gazer of grace, a Cross beholder.


An empty cupboard, closet, or tank
Cries out to be filled with fuel or clothes
Or food. ‘Tis you, O Lord, I thank,
Who fills me with grace that overflows.

To the Top I Thought

To the top I thought I’d claw
My way back to resume my place,
Only to find that you, O Lord, had lifted me
On wings of eagles, quickly, lightly,
And set me upon a wide space,
Giving me a 360-degree view,
The sun shining warm upon my face,
The spring-time breeze after winter’s thaw.

The wonders of the gospel

Lord of love and life, we thank you for another day to serve and learn. Let us forget ourselves in order to occupy ourselves with your glory and with our neighbor’s need.

Turn our attention to the wonders of the gospel, both for our own benefit and growth, as well as for those who have not yet heard the truth.

Fill our hearts with grace, and satisfy us with your presence.

God of all

God of all satisfaction, we don’t even know what we want. Let us find our true desire in you and the fulfillment of every need in your presence. Let our contentment be the guide to others who live in daily frustration.

God of all grace, thank you that your salvation has reached us. Use us so that this grace reaches all people. Continue reading “God of all”

Show Me Grace at Work

Show me grace at work in generous saints,
Whose joy exceeds afflictions most severe,
Who serve like Christ their Lord, with no complaints,
Giving beyond their means, no future fear.

Show me Jesus’ grace, becoming poor,
Immeasurably rich, for our own souls to save,
To open to us the wealth of heaven’s door —
Eternal life and light beyond the grave.

Show me powerful grace for every need,
For good and blessed works in hidden ways,
Producing righteous fruit from heavenly seed,
That may increase to God man’s thanks and praise.

  2 Corinthians 8-9