Jesus, the cure for emptiness

By Lance Foster, Iuka MS

John 4

  1. The Samaritan woman had an empty bucket.
  2. She had an empty life.
  3. She had an empty marriage.
  4. She had an empty worship.

Conclusion: “Come and see” vs. 29.

What prayer is, from John 16-18

Jeff Jenkins talks about Chick-fil-A and prayer:

In our Sunday school class last week we learned from Jesus (John 14-16) the following thoughts about prayer.

PRAYER IS DEDICATION. Prayer is our opportunity to show our devotion to God and our dependence upon God (John 15:5-7).  When we pray we are making a declaration that we are devoted to our Father and that we cannot survive by ourselves.

PRAYER IS COMMUNICATION. We understand that the Bible is God’s way of communicating to us (John 17:17). Thankfully, our communication with God is not a one-way street. God allows us to communicate with Him through prayer. Prayer is our lifeline to God.

Jesus tells us that we are God’s friends. If we are God’s children and His friends, He is interested in us. He is interested in our concerns our cares, our worries, our relationships and everything about us.  It is not necessary for us to know any key men because we know the one who holds the keys.

PRAYER IS SUPPLICATION.  Paul reminds us that we should let our requests be made known to God. (Philippians 4:6) The word supplication is just a big word for request.  We don’t make our requests to God to give Him knowledge of what we need. God is already quite aware of every need we have.

In addition to the reason Paul gives here in this passage for letting our requests be made known to God (so that we can have peace, Philippians 4:7), another reason would be so that we can articulate in our own heart and mind what we feel we need most.

PRAYER IS COOPERATION.  When we pray we are partnering with God.  We are asking God to help us in our work for Him, with our families, in our walk with Him.  When we abide in Christ and ask for the needs of our heart, we are bringing glory to God (John 15:7-8).