Eternal Light

Inspired by a prayer of Alcuin of York (c. 735-804).

Eternal Light, pierce the dark with day,
Eternal Goodness, deliver me from wrong,
Eternal Power, be my strength and stay,
Eternal Wisdom, teach me where I belong,
Eternal Pity, turn me back to the way,
Eternal Joy, place on my lips your song.
Eternal Victor, with you I never lose;
Eternal Will, the heavenly glory I choose.

How to forget God

Jer 2.32-36

Israel turned away from God, who accused them of forgetting him. How does one forget God?

  1. Seek other gods, 33.
  2. Involve yourself in immorality, 34.
  3. Refuse to repent, 35.
  4. Seek out help besides God, 36.

So what? Israel was punished for forgetting God, 37. And so will we!

God to Me

Oh, God, you are
Life to my body,
Food to my hunger,
Drink to my thirst,
Thrill to my heart,
Thought to my mind,
Choice to my will,
Light to my eyes,
Strength to my hand,
Guide to my feet,
Home to my soul.

O Lord of Thrones

God of many names and One,
I-AM who is, besides you none,
Above, below, within, without,
A small, still voice, creation’s shout;
O Lord of thrones, upon us look,
Restore to us what Satan took;
Your gracious face to earth incline,
Around this table’s bread and wine;
Of what does life consist?
To have you in our midst.


More about you, less about myself

Let me talk more, O Lord, about you and those things you do and delight in, and less about myself and my desires and accomplishments.

Let me study more, O God, your ways and will, and less on how I can get ahead and taste success.

Let me meditate more, O Father, on your word and your commands, and less on my wants and needs.

Let me trust wholly, O Savior, in your promises and in your plan to save, and not at all in my strategies and tactics for providing for self.

God of Heaven

God of heaven, when I feel down,
Remind me you, above, still reign,
I need no miracle, need no sign,
Only a thought of you again.

God of earth, when feet are tired,
When the aching back makes my eyes blurred,
When facing death, the heart is scared,
I’m heartened by what Jesus dared. Continue reading “God of Heaven”