Your moving hand among us

God of all power and possibilities, we stand in awe of your moving hand among us. Continue to show your sovereign will on earth. Move things and people toward the kingdom. Open doors, and hearts, and minds.

Prepare us for battle, prepare us for victory, prepare us for the heavy fire thrown against us by the evil one. Stiffen our resolve, give us courage, open our mouths to speak the Good News of Christ.

Show yourself in Christ, send the Spirit among us, dwell in our hearts as we demonstrate faith and obedience to your will.

Forgive our sins, strengthen us in our weakness, open our eyes to our blindnesses.

Be glorified in us, and Christ in you. We desire the day of ending, the day of peace, the day of eternity.

Blessed Word of speaking

Father in Heaven, who is present everywhere,
Bless those who travel, and those who stay at home.

Knower of all things,
Give love to those with knowledge, and give understanding to those without it.

Power of the universe,
Make the powerful compassionate, make the weak to stand.

God ever good,
Fulfill the good intention, and purify the mixed motive.

Blessed Word of speaking,
Cause hearts full of you to speak, and fill the empty soul with Christ.

Warm Our Hearts and Energize Our Limbs

Holy Father in heaven,
Warm our hearts and energize our limbs,
To serve our neighbor, move away from whims
And sudden fancies, to do your steady will—
Let not hands go weak, nor minds be dull.

Sovereign God of this world,
Bless people of righteousness, make justice thrive,
Let kingdom sons be born, again revive
Your church to turn away from vain pursuits,
To speak your Word, to return to scriptural roots.

Lord of heart and soul,
Ever turn our sight from selfish gain,
To see beyond ourselves—like Jesus, train
Attention upon humanity’s greatest need—
Eternal life—and follow the Spirit’s lead.

Leader of hosts and armies,
Power is yours, all glory, strength, and right,
As King of kings, as ruler in love and light,
The battle is yours, the fight will soon be done,
And we would sooner be found at arms in the Son.

Be Near Us

Be near us, God of me and mine,
Show yourself as Lord sublime,
Protect, defend, and bless this day,
Uphold our hands upon your Way.

You must

I do not know the way, O Lord. You must show me.

I’m ignorant of your desires and pleasure. You must tell me.

I’ve no idea of how to live. You must guide me.

I lack the words to speak to others. You must give them to me.

I have no wisdom to succeed in life. You must enlighten me.

God of all

God of all satisfaction, we don’t even know what we want. Let us find our true desire in you and the fulfillment of every need in your presence. Let our contentment be the guide to others who live in daily frustration.

God of all grace, thank you that your salvation has reached us. Use us so that this grace reaches all people. Continue reading “God of all”

Refusing to be defeated

No matter how much the wicked attack, I refuse, O Lord, to be defeated. You free me from plowers on my back who make their furrows long and deep and painful. Repulse them, shame them, wither them under your powerful gaze. Let blessing pass them by, for they oppose your will and seek to harm your cause. Let all your people sing and praise your powerful name. With you is victory, with you is justice, with you are righteous deeds and eternal life.

The Heart-Knower

By John Henson, Dibrill congregation, McMinnville TN

  1. God knows your heart, Luke 16:15.
  2. The great heart-knower consulted, Acts 1:24.
  3. The one who searches the heart cares, Romans 8:26-28.
  4. What does he know about your heart?

Source and Center

You, O Lord, are source and center,
Let me in your portals enter;
Walk with me the straight and narrow,
Watch with care your smallest sparrow.

You, O God, are shield and savior,
Rock and tower, loving neighbor;
Life and blessing yours forever,
Faithfulness our long endeavor. Continue reading “Source and Center”