On This Truth Hang All Our Prayers

So pray this way:
Our Father in heaven,
may your name be honored,
—Mt 6.9

God eternal, you are Father! —
On this truth hang all our prayers —
Love unknown upon this planet
Comes to us from highest heaven,
Son of God, the very essence,
Sacrifice of man’s redemption —
Grace on grace — O Lord, what mercy!

You are God

You are God, we are your people.
You are the Lord, we are your servants.
You are the Shepherd, we are your obedient sheep.
You are the Savior, we, the lost, plead for salvation.
You are Father, we are your children.
You are the Creator, we your creatures.
You are Sustainer, we daily need your sustenance.
You are Light, we walk your righteous path.
You are Love, we the beloved.
You are I-AM, we inheritors of the promise.

Fatherhood from you

Our Father in Heaven, we know what fatherhood is from you. We see true love in the sending of your Son. We feel the closeness of your presence in your Spirit. We know and see and feel all this because of your Word.

We come near to worship you. We seek to please you by doing your will. We glorify your name by our words and actions. We fulfill your mission by proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Act in us and through us. Rule over us. May your strength uphold us.

What do we mean by ‘Father in heaven’?

Mike Benson reflects on the meaning of “Father in heaven” when we pray.

I will speak for me. I probably need to spend more time thinking about what I’m actually saying in my private prayers.

“Father in heaven…”

If I am not very careful, the phrase may constitute little more than a thoughtless, repetitive habit.

Strangely enough, I don’t talk to my earthly father that way, but I tend to do so with my heavenly Father. Does he ever get weary of my redundancy?

What am I really saying when I articulate the words, “Father in heaven…”?

Read his whole article here on Forthright Magazine.