You are the God

You are the God who reveals your plan and will and love and future. I will read my Bible.

You are the God who hears your people and answers prayer. I will pray without ceasing.

You are the God who does not tire in doing good. I will devote myself to good works.

You are the God who saves forevermore by the blood of Christ. I will confess his name.

You are the God who scans the horizon for your prodigal children. I will seek them out.

You are the God who sends a message of reconciliation to the world. I will go and speak.

You are the God who fulfills every promise and does not change. I will rest in your faithfulness.

Praise is yours, O Lord, and honor and glory! In Jesus’ name, Amen.

How Long Will You Go Limping …?

Elijah describes those who should have been God’s people in his day as “limping between two opinions.”  That is a good way to describe those in the church that have grown complacent and compromised in their faith and the lost but searching that we’d like to reach with the gospel.  In the contest he forces between the impotent false gods the people were worshiping and God Himself, Elijah shows God to be GOD! with tremendous power.

I.  1 Kings 18:11-39.  Just how difficult those in power had made it for God’s people who were truly seeking to worship God in spirit and in truth is evident when Elijah tries to send Obadiah, one of the Lord’s prophets, to force the contest with Ahab and Jezebel.  Obadiah relates how the faithful are being persecuted and how prevalent enforced idolatry is in the culture.  In the contest on Mount Carmel, true power is displayed from God, the people see this, and their decision to choose God cancels out the power those in power believed they had over the people as the false prophets are put to death.

II.  Acts 2:22-39.  In Jesus’ time on earth, those in power feared the opinion of the people as well (John 11:45-48), and when it began to turn towards hailing Jesus, they sought to put Him to death (Luke 22:1-2).  With a “hard saying” Jesus, like Elijah, sought to make the spiritually limping among those who should have been God’s people choose between opinions (John 6:25-69).  Most left Him then but not “the twelve” at that time, Peter wisely answering, “Lord, to whom shall we go?  You have the words of eternal life.”  After Jesus’ death and resurrection, the gospel confronts us with the same choice.

III.  Romans 10:9-15.  The only way that the lost will be reached with that choice (call on His Name) is if those who have already obeyed the gospel (Romans 6:3-5) go (are sent) … so the power of the gospel is presented as a choice (is preached and they hear it) … because they believe it.  First, we must truly believe it ourselves (John 8:24).  Far too often, Christians fear the opinion of the people controlled by those in power and our love grows cold (Matthew 24:9-13).  Instead, we must love through obedience (John 14:15) and sacrificial living (Romans 12:1-2) to love the limping as Jesus did (John 13:34-35).

Are you limping between two opinions?  See the power of God in dying on the cross for your sins and being raised from death for your eternal life.

The Living Lord

2 Samuel 22; Psalm 18

You, the living Lord, are God of victory;
My enemy shall not prevail against me.
To save my life your hand extends from heaven,
With shouts and fire and smoke and flying angels.
Long have I sought my Rock and strong protection,
Take notice, Lord, of my unflagging devotion.
Put armies to flight, tear down the walls of hatred;
Before me clear the paths so I may pursue.
My Savior reigns, he lives to rescue his people,
His ways are true, his word is always faithful.
You are my shield, my strong, unbending defender,
Before the war is won, we sing the outcome.
None is like the Lord, no other deity
Can turn the battle — both sky and earth are shaken
When God, our God, descends to scatter
The nations — Praise him! Praise him in the highest!

The God of All

God of all comfort,

You are the God of all grace, of all power, of all knowledge,
the God of omni’s, the God of the little man squeezed out.
You are the God of the fallen, the broken, and the silenced,
the God who picks up the pieces and gives voice to pain.

You are the God of the forgotten, the doubtful, the confused,
the God of those who cannot look back for fear of the past.
You are the God of those without a future, without a hope,
the God who loves the loveless, among whom I am one.

For Jesus came for me. Amen.

Come save us!

Our heavenly Father,
Come save us!
Come transform us!
Come fill us!
Come live in us!

Glorify yourself in us,
Fulfill your will in us,
Go forward with your mission in us,
Find your joy in us.

God almighty,
Protect your people,
Preserve your people,
Make your people grow,
Carry your people to heaven.

You are

Our Father in Heaven —

You are only God and Shepherd, ruling with your rod, guiding with your staff;

You are Source of love and life, shining forth and speaking words of power;

You are Savior, reaching down, absorbing our guilt, welcoming back, restoring souls;

Praise and glory and honor and power belong to You!

Deep fear of you

Awesome God, awaken in us that deep fear of you which recognizes your majestic Person, seeks the pure holiness of righteousness and love, and draws upon your unbroken promises to step firmly toward the future. Let reverence for your Oneness keep us from taking your love for granted. Your judgments are perfect, O Lord! Remind us that sin will be thrown into the lake of everlasting fire. We fear you as him who can destroy both body and soul. And we rejoice that true fear draws us near to you, rather than making us shrink back from your manifestation. Such is your purpose, and in it we glory.

Yours Is the Day

Yours is the day, yours also the night,
Creator of every heavenly light,
Sun, moon, and stars unnumbered,
Before your greatness man is humbled.

You do not sleep, nor nap, nor slumber,
The hairs of our head, you know their number,
We fall before your holy beauty,
Teach us, Lord, our divine duty.

You are God

You are God, we are your people.
You are the Lord, we are your servants.
You are the Shepherd, we are your obedient sheep.
You are the Savior, we, the lost, plead for salvation.
You are Father, we are your children.
You are the Creator, we your creatures.
You are Sustainer, we daily need your sustenance.
You are Light, we walk your righteous path.
You are Love, we the beloved.
You are I-AM, we inheritors of the promise.

Only from You

The gift of yet another day of life
Comes only from you, the gracious Giver
Of good. Let all creation praise your name!

Air for breathing, living water for drink,
The word of love between us our lasting link,
Your caring touch — To you be glory forever!

Tumultuous world of anguished men in need!
To Jesus Christ the Savior would you lead
Each precious soul in freedom — All power is yours!

Your servant hears, O Lord! He runs to obey
Your blessed command. Put wings upon his feet.
Let lanterns on a hill illumine your Name!