Yours is a beautiful world

Yours is a beautiful world, O Lord, full of power and precision and sights and sounds. We marvel before all creation, what we can see of it, knowing that it declares your greatness.

Even more beautiful, Savior of mankind, is the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for our sins. In his pain, in the gore of suffering, in the cries and darkness and sweat and tears, rose the sparkling water of life and the brilliant light of glory.

Our sight is unfocused. Our sense of right is warped. Our perception of your goodness has been distorted by the father of lies.

Let us see your glory. Make us know your righteousness. Awaken us to your mercy.

May the splendor of Christ far outshine this world’s glory in our eyes.

This is what I ask you, Lord, to give me

Give me strength to resist the devil and take hold of victory in Christ that you have promised.

Give me wisdom to know right and timely words that will build others up and proper steps to take for the greatest blessing.

Give me courage to speak of Christ at all times, even when truth has a good chance of not being well received.

Give me your Spirit that he might produce in me the virtues of my Lord.

Give me glory to shine as a light on a hill that all may see your goodness e confess your wonderful Name.

Give me love to accept each person where he is and show him how to be accepted by you through obedience to the gospel of Christ.

Give me joy so that every day offers me your presence and the hope of receiving one of the eternal rooms that Jesus is preparing.

May faithfulness and love not disappear from among us

Based on Hosea 4

Father, let us hear your word, and may it not be a word of accusation against us. Help us to live according to your commandment so that we may hear your approval.

May faithfulness and love not disappear from among us, nor the knowledge of your glory. May they flourish in our midst.

May sin not been seen, but righteousness. As your servants and holy priests, keep us from stumbling. Let us not be destroyed for lack of knowledge. Let us not reject knowledge, but help us to choose it so that we may be chosen by you.

May we not ignore your law, so that we are not ignored by you. We confess, Lord, that so many among us disparage and disdain your commands. We confess that your people are moving away from your demands. Move among us, Lord, to place us squarely in obedience to your will.

Let us refuse to exchange our glory—our knowledge of you—for shameful things. Let us not feed upon the sins of the people nor feel pleasure in their iniquities.

Feed us, so that we may be satisfied. Keep us from abandoning you. Strengthen us that we might be faithful. Let us always turn to you for answers.

We want our sacrifices to be spiritual and acceptable to you. Keep us from running after the vain worship of the religions around us. Break our rebelliousness. Feed us as the pastor feeds his sheep in the field.

May we remain grounded and protected on the day when your wind of judgment sweeps away all those who belong to false religions.

Tomorrow a Mystery

O Lord, tomorrow is a mystery,
And even the next hour reveals no secrets,
So let us in this moment, in the present,
Serve our Lord and Master and fear your Name.

We trust in your control of our years and days,
Believe you guide the world to its proper end,
We know in Christ that all things come together,
In all man’s doings you will be glorified.

Our joy is this: our treasures await us in heaven,
The Lord is at the door and soon will come,
Your power is hope, your promise never fails,
And perfect love will hold us till the last.

To You, Glory

To you, O Lord, belongs the glory,
Without our egos in the way;
What wonderful news is Jesus’ story,
How pure his light’s unconquerable ray!

To you, O God, belongs the power,
Who raised the Son from among the dead;
Salvation’s plan in that dark hour,
Upon the Cross when Jesus bled.

To you, O Father, we ascribe
All glory, honor, love and praise;
To you may every people and tribe
Their happy, grateful voices raise.

God of all

God of all satisfaction, we don’t even know what we want. Let us find our true desire in you and the fulfillment of every need in your presence. Let our contentment be the guide to others who live in daily frustration.

God of all grace, thank you that your salvation has reached us. Use us so that this grace reaches all people. Continue reading “God of all”