Never in a Thousand Years

Never in a thousand years could I
Imagine your tender lovingkindness toward me.
Never across a thousand worlds of space
Could Science’ wisest minds measure your greatness.

How small am I! Yet you see every step —
Every stumble — every turn and tear.
How great you are! The smallest inch of faith
You use to pull by the roots the stubborn mountain.

Keep complaints from blocking the flow of power,
For I — yes, I! — can cancel the Spirit’s work!
Oh, God, let not my enemy be myself!
I ask you crush my last reserve of resistance.

Shine — shine — shine with fullest glory!
Fly me to the high transfiguration,
Where Jesus stands alone among the mute.
Put words of praise upon my silenced mouth.

  • Please share this prayer with your loved ones.
  • What verse does this prayer call to mind?
  • What phrase or stanza stands out to you?

Let All Be Silent

Sovereign God who rules —

Let all be silent before your glory,
In light and thunder, cloud and fire,
The mountain trembles, heavens quake,
Contrary forces feel your ire.

The evil of man against his neighbor
Knows no bounds, rejects your will;
He acts by feeling, spurns the Savior,
Lives for immediate, earthly thrill.

Look upon us, Lord Almighty,
Humbled here before your throne;
Forgive our sin, and show us wisely
We cannot survive alone.

Not afraid to do good

Dear God, let me do my tasks with dedication and with all powers at my disposal. Let me enjoy the present. Thank you for the pleasures of the moment that, although eternity is but a step away, you provide for us as reminders of heavenly blessing.

Give strength and patience to us, to our children, and to our family of faith, as we face life’s misfortunes and sadness. Let the peace of Christ rule in us at every moment and in every circumstance.

Be with us and help us to feel your presence, so that we might be content and full of love. Keep tiredness at bay. Let our zeal not flag.

Help us not to be afraid to do good. May your grace make us stand and keep us strong to overcome. Let nothing upset our firm trust in you and our certainty of hope.

Give us the attitude of our Lord Jesus who saw each moment as a chance to let your glory shine.

In search of your glory

Often, Lord, I ask for your blessings in my life or in the life of another. And you approve of this. Jesus taught us to ask. I know I should do it more even than I do.

But today I come with a different purpose. Paul told the Corinthians that he did not seek theirs (their possessions), but them (meaning their salvation). I come before you today, not in search of something from you, but you yourself, your presence, your glory.

You did not rebuke Moses when he wanted to see your glory. Perhaps it was because he was a special man in your plan of redemption. Your answered his request in a way that took into account human frailty.

I do not ask for a miracle. Neither am I asking to be whisked up to the third heaven. How you might answer this request only you can know. Maybe by giving me a new insight into Scripture, about the Lord Jesus Christ, who brought your glory into this world.

In every way and at all times, O God, may you be glorified in me and may your will be done in my life.

Take, Lord, All My Liberty

Take, Lord, all my liberty,
Receive my failing memory,
My mind for thought, my heart for feeling,
And all I have and now am seeking.

You give, and I to you restore,
I cannot struggle any more;
Illusions led me far away —
Come keep the preying wolves at bay.

Your glory shines as brightly ever,
Your grace, a strong and moving river;
With tenderness, you waken souls,
No word of yours or promise fails.

Make rise, O Spirit, these prayers to heaven,
These wordless yearnings deeply driven;
Such wisps of thought and stirrings unformed
With the Kingdom’s reasonable tongue be framed.

A few lines at the beginning were inspired by a prayer by Ignatius of Loyola, published in the Oxford Book of Prayer, by George Appleton. Please join us in these prayers by signing up to receive them by email.

The wonder of this world

Not just another day, O Lord, is today, but a day full of life and opportunity! Not a day to feel tired or bored or aggravated, but a day of joy and energy and gratitude!

You make the difference, O God! Be present with me. Live within me. Let your merciful reign watch over me. Make every step of mine a sign of your guidance. Continue reading “The wonder of this world”

The temple whose glory outshines the gold of Solomon

Heavenly Father, let my whys be the path to seek communion with you. May the dust of suffering carry the spirit into your presence. And may the many good gifts from the Lord of lights point me to the eternal Giver.

Let us hear the heavens proclaim your justice. We see the signs around us in this world of your power and majesty. The burning sun spreads your holiness. The rain reminds us that you wash our sins in Jesus’ blood. The turning seasons renew your lovingkindness. Continue reading “The temple whose glory outshines the gold of Solomon”