Turn over complete control

Heavenly Father, give me power today to do something that will promote the Kingdom of Christ and insert into someone’s heart the desire for you.

In order to do that, may I turn over complete control of my life to the Lord.

I reject the world and desire the Kingdom.

Bless me now that the Kingdom might prevail in every decision and action.

Be glorified in me as you were in your Son and my Savior. Make me in his image.

One request

Lord, I come before you simply,
With sincere words,
And true desire,
With one request:
That you might be glorified in me.

It matters not how,
For I am willing
To be a broken and humble vessel,
To sway a single soul,
Or none —
However you decide to use my life.

Help us to look ahead

Father, help us to look ahead, in order to prepare for future opportunities, to be ready for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Let us lay aside worries about tomorrow in order to take up the hope of your promises.

Let us forget ourselves, for our joy.

Let us focus on serving, for the blessing of others.

Let us follow the Lord Jesus, for your glory.