Bless your people with material prosperity

Father, bless your people with material prosperity when their goal is like Gaius’s, to support the progress of the Good News of Christ.

Thank you for generous congregations and individual saints who give for the gospel rather than squirreling away their monies for savings and investments or spending lavishly upon themselves.

Help us to make proper use of our funds in our personal accounts and in our spending of funds for the use of reaching others to save them for eternal life.

Keep us from the idolatry of greed, from the love of money, from the devotion to work and earning salaries that prevent us from full devotion to your Son as Lord and Savior.

Put in our hearts your love and kindness that will overflow in good works and giving to supply needs.

Ever more conscious of our need

Father, thank you for the gift of generosity. Show us more and more how to give freely and gladly. We want to be like you in this respect.

Life is a wonderful blessing. Time brings us closer to eternity, and we are grateful for its passing. Trials cause pain, but we rejoice, O Lord, for they cast us upon your care to find relief in your promise.

Make us ever more conscious of our need for salvation and of the subtlety of sin. Awaken us to the power of the gospel. Lord, strengthen us in Christ.

We all have your Spirit. Although our life experiences are different, we know we have equality in Christ and enjoy all the privileges and blessings of eternal life you provide us. The fullness of your presence is available to all, and we praise you for your love of every single soul.

In peace with your provisions

Lord, let us be in peace with your provisions. Thank for your blessings. We are content.

Keep us from putting our trust in things. Let us not seek security in accumulation of material goods.

Help us to live simply. Keep us from spending on accessories that add nothing to our quality of life, but that take away from the good that we might do for others and from the support that we might give to your work.

As we see your free generosity in Christ, create in us the desire to bless others.

For answering our prayers

Thank you, heavenly Father, for answering our prayers. You are God who delights in hearing your children’s requests. We know that we receive when we ask. This is the confidence that we have before you: that whenever we ask anything according to your will, you hear us.

You continue to prove this truth in our walk with you. So we praise your name for this blessing. We rejoice in possessing your answer, not for our sakes, but for the needs of the hour and for the spread of your kingdom. Be glorified in us, O Lord.

So we will continue to pray. We ask for strength not to faint in perseverance in supplications and requests. Let us always be sure of your goodness and generosity. We tremble in awe of you, O Lord, and your goodness. We ask many things of you, because you give to all generously and without reprimand.

So we are sure, Father, that it is not because of our goodness or special qualities, but because you give to all who ask. This is your glory and our joy, in the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!

What we think is nothing

We think, O Lord, to find joy in small and simple things, only to discover afterwards that they were the great things. For simplicity is never small, clarity never minimal. Thank you for the great light which we have in Christ. He shows us the kind word, the moment of solidarity, the act of generosity, that offer a lifeline to the perishing. What we think is nothing might be to someone all there is. Make us aware, heavenly Father, of your power in us.

Let me forget self

Blessed Savior, let me die to self and to the world that you may be glorified through the fruit born in my life. Let me forget self in order to find life in you.

  • Keep the USA secure today and in the days following the election.
  • Help our people to see how the denominations offer nothing of spiritual benefit, how only the family of faith can transmit your presence and power.
  • Keep the door of opportunity open so that your people may use the internet and other technologies to teach the gospel.
  • Strengthen every good effort for the truth, so that people may understand clearly your eternal plan and the path to enter the kingdom.
  • Make us more generous every day as we understand that all we have comes from you and makes us responsible as stewards for the use of what you have given us.
  • Thank you for so many good resources to understand the Word better. Let us be devoted to knowing your will.

Show Me Grace at Work

Show me grace at work in generous saints,
Whose joy exceeds afflictions most severe,
Who serve like Christ their Lord, with no complaints,
Giving beyond their means, no future fear.

Show me Jesus’ grace, becoming poor,
Immeasurably rich, for our own souls to save,
To open to us the wealth of heaven’s door —
Eternal life and light beyond the grave.

Show me powerful grace for every need,
For good and blessed works in hidden ways,
Producing righteous fruit from heavenly seed,
That may increase to God man’s thanks and praise.

  2 Corinthians 8-9