The Only God

You, O Lord, are one, the only God,
Living and true, and holy above creation.
Eternal are you, forever without end,
Without beginning, he who is and was
And ever will be, who holds all wisdom and power.

You entered the world of sin, in human form,
And never erred, but freely gave yourself
To save mankind, the perfect Lamb of God,
In death and pain and suffering that was ours —
Forgiveness undeserved to be received.

You came in power, from Heaven sent by Christ,
The Wind of God, to blow as he sees fit,
To bring to sinners life and lasting hope,
The promise of love. Here, O God, are heart
And body and soul — Fill me with your fullness.

No Undertone

To joy in Christ, let run no undertone
Of sadness, heavy heart or grief;
Let fullest comfort flow from Jesus’ throne,
Whose river holds no hidden reef.

Let heavenly peace completely rule the mind,
Unmixed with cares and low concerns;
Blow gently in my soul the Spirit’s wind,
From which no worldly fear returns.

Never a glass half empty

Father, let us never be people
who only see a glass half empty,
but a nation who lives in your fullness,
a family who dives into piled-up grace,
who delights in gift upon gift,
agents of a single mission who refuse
to keep salvation for self,
who understand that gospel means sharing,
that Good News means speaking,
that the Cross is proclamation,
and that the Spirit brings transformation
and a change of eternal destiny.

Lord God, keep us from squabbles and minor issues,
tear from us the tendency toward clergy preachers,
pride in physical things and buildings,
merit of our own construction,
and build us up in the Word as members of the body,
each one aware of his responsibility,
each one active in his place,
everyone contributing to the greater good
and growth of the saints.

Leap over our impossibilities

Father, when our minds are blank, and our hearts are empty, when our souls are barren, and our energies are exhausted, you are there to fill us in every way, in the Lord Jesus Christ.

We seek you, O God, creator and sustainer of the living!

We have nothing, and we come to you asking.

Give us all we need, Lord who speaks a word and makes things happen. Continue reading “Leap over our impossibilities”