In Spite of Mood

Lord of all, you love in spite of mood —
What joy to know that what I feel —
With constant ups and downs — my attitude
Does not reflect your mind — your love is real.

Your mercy cheers me — grace, that daily morsel —
I, like the sparrow hopping on the ground,
With beak dipping here and there for his portion —
What wells of peace and strength in Christ I’ve found!

So raise me up from little dips of sorrow —
This foolish heart so heavy with its burden —
For Jesus is the same today, tomorrow!
Remind me of the Savior’s blessed mountain!

Setting aside personal feelings

Heavenly Father, you are to be praised for your goodness and glory. No one is like you in majesty and power.

And none is like you, in your willingness to give up the evidence of that glory in order to become a man and take upon yourself the penalty for sin.

In Jesus we see your love. In him we know the lengths to which you are willing to go in order to restore our relationship with you. Continue reading “Setting aside personal feelings”