What You, O Lord, Don’t Do for Me

So much you do, O Lord, for me,
So much you give — new life and hope;
On me so many blessings you heap!
Above them all, your presence in three.

But you do not make my decision;
Free will you gave to me instead.
I choose your will, your glory, your aid —
This too in its own way is blessing.

To will to do, for strength I ask,
To never heed the tempter’s voice;
In me confirm the eternal choice,
The Kingdom first I’d daily seek.

Let Jesus be example and guide,
In every thought and word and deed;
On his transforming word I’d feed.
With you, O Lord, let me abide.

The above prayer led to this chart.

Jesus and me

Father, the lack of zeal in self dismays me. Jesus died for the zeal he felt for your house. Ignite my fervor for your kingdom.

And not only in me, but in others diligence is missing. Jesus did all your will and spoke just as you told him. Give your people that same dedication, that same attention to detail and to the larger picture.

How far I feel from your holy nature! Jesus sanctified himself in order to know and please you. Purge me of all defilement, for I desire to see you after this earthly life has ended.

My love is imperfect, I still judge people by appearance, often sizing them up by what they might could do for me. Jesus loved everyone, offered them acceptance, was willing to give opportunity to all to be a part of his family. Perfect your love in me, so that I might see every person as one of your special creatures.

How close I can get to Jesus’ example

Heavenly Father,

Help me to see how close I can get to Jesus’ example,
Not how close I can get to the edge of sin.

Let the Lord Jesus be my measure of goodness,
Not the failures of those I see around me.

Keep me from feeling superior in the presence of sinners,
But humble and repentant in the presence of Christ.

I pray your Spirit will keep me from falling,
Just as he strengthened the Savior all the way to the Cross.

Setting aside personal feelings

Heavenly Father, you are to be praised for your goodness and glory. No one is like you in majesty and power.

And none is like you, in your willingness to give up the evidence of that glory in order to become a man and take upon yourself the penalty for sin.

In Jesus we see your love. In him we know the lengths to which you are willing to go in order to restore our relationship with you. Continue reading “Setting aside personal feelings”

To pray as Jesus prayed

Father, let us live as Jesus lived, including his prayer life. He was consistent during his whole life, and finished as he began — in prayer:

  • at the table, giving thanks;
  • interceding for others, that their faith not fail;
  • placing his desires in the Father’s hand, but seeking above all his Father’s will;
  • praying for the forgiveness of others, in the midst of his own pain and suffering.

Continue reading “To pray as Jesus prayed”