The Greatest Human Evil

I’ve never heard the sharp noise of battle,
Nor have I seen the senseless slaughter of men;
I’ve never witnessed the bomb’s exploding metal,
Nor watched a nuclear flash as bright as the sun.

But, Lord, you know the greatest human evil
Is done in darkened homes and daily words,
By divided hearts and vain minds, by feeble
Imaginations that cannot fathom your Lordship.

Let not this terrible wrong take hold of me!
Make light suffuse the truth from stem to stern!
Worthy of Christ may I in my soul be!
Save my life, as worlds around me burn!

Let passion die

The violence of sin, O Lord, grows and masks its evil. Satan’s servants appear as angels of light, hiding death in their robes, concealing the face of eternal suffering. Caricatures of life and pleasure, they steal the young and rob the old of joy.

Unmask them, Lord, for who they are! Rip away their disguises! Let sin be seen for what it is, raw rebellion against your good and perfect will, self-destruction that cannot be undone!

Let us recoil from the Adversary’s enticements. Give us eyes to see behind the temptation, beyond the moment of pleasure. Save us from the pain and heartache of transgression.

Let passion for this world die, and cause to live in us an eternal zeal for good.

Let There Be Blindness

O God, how hard to find what’s good and wholesome!
The world knows only what’s evil, vile, and loathsome;
Among your people make rule your love and kindness,
Toward race and age and wealth let there be blindness.
Let us see what you see from high in heaven,
And seek that place above where all’s forgiven.