Importance of prayer in sharing the gospel

Dewayne Bryant reminds us to pray for the lost:

All around us are people who do not know, or have not submitted to, Jesus Christ. As Christians, we understand the joyful blessings that are part of living a Christian life. We also understand the consequences of departing this life without knowing Christ. While there are many things we can do to reach the lost, we cannot forget about the importance of prayer as part of our efforts to share the gospel with others.

Read his whole article here.

Flee and engage

Our Father in heaven, the noise of the world drowns out the voice of your Spirit. Let us flee first to be edified by your presence, in order to engage later our neighbors and share with them the gospel.

To touch a soul today

Give me the grace to touch a soul today,
A single soul, or if by mercy’s kind embrace,
Might I save two? One to take my place,
Another to extend the Kingdom’s sway.

Save me from judging

Reach every person

Save me from judging another’s looks,
For all alike need Jesus’ care;
None are free from Satan’s hooks,
No matter what we wield or wear.

Each one a soul with life impressed,
Creation’s crown, all heaven’s pride,
The power to choose within the breast,
For every person Jesus died.

Let words of life from lips flow free,
Let Calvary’s tune reach every ear;
The suffering man make mercy see,
Make love the span, to breach our fear.