The precious gift of life

Almighty God, our dear heavenly Father, thank you for the precious gift of life along with everything we need in order to live comfortably.

Most of all, dear Lord, help us to share the blessings you regularly shower upon your children of faith, with the poor, especially the orphan children whose sobs you hear and comfort.

Give those who dare to speak for Christ our Lord to be genuinely humble and serve others with sincere motives. In the precious name of Jesus, Amen.

David Noel Binkley Sr.

Lord, I Would Be a Simple Soul

Lord, I would be a simple soul,
Make me see with a single eye.

I’d always speak an honest word,
Come fill me with the gospel truth.

I ask to be a saint of zeal,
Show me the living passion of Christ.

I seek to sanctify my heart,
Let me know your holiness.

I’d wield the Spirit’s powerful sword,
Give me wisdom in the Scriptures.

I want to please you in the Way,
Strengthen my feet to walk your path.

Lord, I would be a fisher of souls,
For I was taught and led to Christ.

Good People, Mostly

Good people, mostly — as men count goodness —
Who see no need to change their lives,
Content to continue on with less,
Averse to change, to conversion to Christ,
With only a form of godliness.

Break through, O Lord, my neighbors’ shell,
For them to see their future is dim;
Save men and women and families from hell,
May light shine brightly to redeem,
To enter the Savior’s citadel.

May they reject their human good,
And measure by your holy name;
Let Scripture be their daily food,
The image of Christ, their principal aim,
To live in faith and gratitude.

At knowledge how shall they arrive?
What power will cause their wills to move?
How then shall truth become alive?
What tongue will tell, that they may prove?
O Lord, to their door drive me.

Please say amen to this prayer and share it with your godly friends. While you’re here sign up to receive future prayers by email. Let Believing Prayer reinforce your prayer life.

When the church meets

Lord of life and loving Savior, on this day when the church meets together according to the commandment of Jesus Christ,

  • Let me be useful to the eternal kingdom;
  • Show me someone who is in need of spiritual guidance;
  • Help me to be a friend to a lonely person;
  • Put me in the path of someone who is seeking the way to you;
  • Give me wisdom to speak words of comfort and hope;
  • Make my joy and peace to shine as evidence of your salvation;
  • Let my purpose today be to edify others and to glorify you.

Going Be Done

Come, Lord Jesus! And while we remain,
Let peoples and nations hear the news;
To all you sent the church to proclaim,
Let the going be done in my own shoes.

Give Me a Soul to Teach

Give me today, O Lord, a soul to teach,
A lost and wayward soul to lead to the light,
A helpless soul with eternal need to reach,
A soul to love, with the strength of Jesus’ might.

War won by privates

General Eisenhower once rebuked one of his generals for referring to a soldier as “just a private.” He reminded him that the army could function better without its generals than it could without its foot soldiers. “If this war is won,” he said, “it will be won by privates.” In the same way, it is the common, servant-like believer who becomes the very backbone of the body of Christ. We are often overly impressed by our great evangelists and superstar Bible teachers and leaders who stand before large crowds, but if the glorious message of the person and work of Christ is to reach the world, it will be done by a church that functions as bondslaves of the Savior (cf. Luke 12:15; Luke 12:32; 2 Peter 2:19; 1 John 3:17). —J. Hampton Keathley

No Reluctant Voice

Let me be, O Lord, no reluctant voice,
To speak that all might make the constraining choice,
Of perfect love that in the soul compels
To follow the Christ, to drink from living wells,
To come with courage to your graceful throne—
And, coming, let me never come alone.

Eyes and ears

Lord, how much we’re affected by negative thoughts and worldly conversations around us! How badly we turn to bitterness, anxiety, resentment, worry, and selfishness! Renew our minds daily. Put the word in front of us. Remind us that we have every reason to rejoice.

Thank you for the gift of forgiveness in Jesus Christ, meaning that we can enjoy your presence and blessing. Thank you for the gift of the spiritual family, who befriends us in Christ and prompts us to grow. Thank you for your gift of the Spirit, who dwells in us and produces that spiritual fruit which remains forever.

Help us to use our eyes and ears for spiritual gain. Help us to learn wisdom. Help us to see our neighbor’s need and hear the emptiness of his heart. Help us to speak that word of encouragement, that message of salvation, that he has yet to obey.

While the world rants about politics, corruption, and injustice, let us give example of righteousness, self-control, and honesty. Thank you for the possibility of doing this through your strength and character.

Upset our routines

Our Father in Heaven, make happen among us what will edify the church, strengthen it in truth, and give it impetus for the gospel.

Shake loose our fears, upset our routines, open our eyes to the needs of our neighbors.

We thank you for food and drink, for homes and rest, for work and times of enjoyment.

Help us open our lives to the risk of the gospel, to the willingness of intimacy, to the communion of saints, to the entry of problematic people into our comfort.

Enrich our lives with the salvation of souls, the joy of your family, the hope of eternal communion with you.