We have in Christ

By John Henson, Dibrell congregation, McMinnville TN

Ephesians 1:4-10

  1. A Savior who chose us (Verse 4).
  2. A Savior who redeemed us (Verse 7).
  3. A Savior who planned our freedom (Verse 9).
  4. A Savior who came prepared to save us (Verse 10).

Spiritual unity in 3-D

Ephesians 4.1-13


  1. A friend once said that in order to have unity we may have to fight a lot. By that he meant we must work hard for it.
  2. Unity comes from the cross of Christ, Eph 2.11-22.
  3. Christ blessed the peacemakers, because he was the first and greatest of them, Mt 5.9.
  4. Some movies offer a 3-D experience. Unity in Christ also comes in 3-D:

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