I want so much!

O Lord God, I want so much!

I want a trusting heart,
A will that always chooses your commandments,
Faith that will not waver,
A mind absorbed with your truths,
A soul inhabited by your Spirit,
Lips that speak blessing,
Eyes that see the possibilities and opportunities,
Strength that will not break under pressure.

I want even more, O Father!

People who turn to you,
Glory for your unequalled name,
A day that is the best ever,
An hour alone in prayer and meditation,
Friends to walk beside me in your paths,
A family that honors Christ,
A congregation that carries your salvation to all,
A hope that never wavers,
Love to receive and more to share.

Can I dare to ask and receive it all?

Save me

Heavenly Father,
save me from dying in the desert
because of my discontent —
Let me find reason for gratitude.

Only God,
save me from the pleasure of idolatry,
from deifying desire —
Let me know the true and living God.
Continue reading “Save me”

Grant to Me the Keen Desire

Lord, grant to me the keen desire
to live in love and seek your face;
May I recall my good Supplier,
And share abroad your saving grace.

Make every leaf and creature sing
Of goodness from your sovereign throne;
And if your thanks we fail to bring,
Let praise arise from rock and stone.

Garb of Glory

Surround me with your rousing love,
Awaken me from this worldly slumber;
Draw me not to dreams of greatness,
Save from Satan’s lies and sin;
Give me, Lord, your garb of glory,
A double portion, to deaden desire
For the pride of life—impress in me,
Upon my soul, the powers invisible—
Surrender your servant to mercy’s song.

The great destroyer of pride

You, oh Lord, are the great destroyer of pride, that beast which never seems to die.

The God of gods, you bring man down to the dust.

You desire that your creature desire you.

You seek to bless, and we bless your name for seeking us to bring light to our darkness.

No one can perform the wonders that you accomplish.  You are all we need. Cause us to make you the only desire of our heart.


Desire for Good

Give me desire for good,
To see it, do it, praise it,
For me, for mine, for all:
Help me to know and prize it.

Desire and Aim

Your way of wisdom, Lord, is my desire,
Your love of man, O God, I would acquire;
In holiness, like you I strive to live,
With free and generous heart, teach me to give.

To be like you, my Savior, my only aim,
To never end a day as I was, the same;
Perfect me, draw me upward, into the light,
To dwell forever upon your city’s height.

We Want to Eat His Bread

The sinner’s response is fight or flight
From your great glory and holy light,
So teach us how to humbly submit,
To seek your face, and never quit
Our service to Christ. We want to eat
His bread and make your will our meat.
What you in all of Scripture wrote
We want to know, to love devote
Ourselves, as Jesus did. Create
In us desire for heaven’s Gate.