His Delight is in the Law

The person who waits until he’s in the midst of a struggle to turn to God is like the one who doesn’t repair his roof when the sun shines because it isn’t raining.  The rain will come; crises hit our lives like storms.  The question is: are you prepared spiritually to meet them (Psalm 1)?

I. 1 John 2:3-6. The righteous don’t go through this life like the wicked do.  They don’t stand up with sinners nor sit with the scoffers.  Rather their delight is in the law of the Lord.  On this they meditate as they seek His commands (Psalm 119:10-16).

II. Galatians 5:18-24.  Just as a willow tree drinks deeply from a nearby water source, so we must drink deeply from God’s Word.  Just as the righteous and wicked are contrasted in Psalm 1, so they are here.  But, like the deep-drinking willow, we can grow the fruits of the spirit.  Those who don’t are like chaff that is gathered only to burn (Matthew 13:27-30).

III. Matthew 25:41-43.  The wicked will not stand with the righteous in the Judgment, but often they don’t realize they are wicked.  “When did we see you in need?” they ask, but they are guilty of not grasping the opportunities to do good that God has given them.  Instead, the righteous seek first the kingdom and righteousness of the Rock of Ages (Matthew 6:31-33).

Psalm 1 serves as wisdom to guide godly people.  It’s no wonder that Psalms is a favorite book of many.  It gives comfort if you’ve made godly choices and warning if you’ve strayed.


In them You delight

Father, let that which is to you an abomination be also to me an odious thing; may I prize justice, righteousness, wisdom, and goodness, all of which flow from your hand, and in them you delight.