Kingdom in second place

Lord God, we have sinned. We plead forgiveness.

We confess that we have squandered our time, our energies, our resources on fleeting things. We acknowledge that your kingdom has been put in second place. We realize that we have failed to obey the Lord Jesus by proclaiming his salvation with every creature in this world.

We admit that we know Disney better than Daniel. We have sought out hilarity more than holiness. Seriousness and dedication are lacking. We’d rather shop the aisles of our favorite store than share the gospel with our neighbor.

Forgive us, Lord, and turn us from our sins.


Away with Lesser Things

Away with lesser things, O Lord!
Prevail eternal zeal for Christ!
From me remove desire for mammon,
Let love for you and yours remain.

My first and last

Let my first thought be of you, dear God, and my last; thoughts of how to please you, to seek you, to serve you, to glorify you.

Let my first step be toward your presence, and my last in the footsteps of Christ; steps of holiness, wisdom, and joy.

Let my first breath be to thank you for love and reconciliation, O Lord, and my last to ask for the entrance into the eternal kingdom.