Soul and Body

Romans 12.1-2

Soul and body, the heart of me,
Belong to you, O Lord — an offering,
A sacrifice of praise — Be pleased
To receive it, bought by Jesus’ suffering.

Mind and will and deepest thought,
Are yours, my God — I hold back nothing —
All is given — your will I’ve sought —
For bread and drink in hope I’m trusting.

Head and feet, in stillest hour,
Our Father, and in busiest moment;
Be with me — worries let faith devour,
And I, on earth, your best proponent.

The Fuller Scope

Lord, let no worldly thought disturb
Your peace in me, no passion curb
My joy in Christ, let nothing cause
The loss of faith — let me give pause
To count my blessings — show me hope
That outlives time, the fuller scope
Of spiritual power, the depth of love,
Your majesty in the form of a dove.


Fill my heart

Heavenly Father, fill my heart, so that nothing else may occupy that space. Take complete control, O God, of my being.

Keep me from divided loyalties. Let no interest, passion, love, or addiction pull parts of me away. I put all of my life under your sovereignty.

Let love of words not keep me from the reality of you. Continue reading “Fill my heart”

Were it not for you, the journey would be too much

What a glorious day, our God and Savior, to be alive, to walk with you, to enjoy the hope of eternal life! Make us to be a blessing to others, as you have blessed us. Shine upon us! Shine upon your people! Shine upon those who groan in darkness!

Let us be as concerned to purify ourselves from immorality and the prevailing evil as were the Israelites to remove mold, stains, and uncleanness from among them. Continue reading “Were it not for you, the journey would be too much”