The World Is Large, and I Am Small

The world is large, and I am small,
What can one person do?
It seems to be an order too tall
To pull just myself through!

How, then, to bring another soul
To love and serve the Lord,
Much less to make the world my goal?
For that, how small’s my sword!

O God eternal, open my eyes
To power beyond my mind,
To love where saving deeds arise,
To words that seek and find.

Carefully chosen images are, for now, a part of the online prayers. Click over and enjoy them. And please share the links with your friends.

We ask and know

Blessed Father,

When we ask of you in prayer, we know that you hear us and answer. We believe, O Lord, that we have received it.

Your promise is sure. You never fail. You are faithful in all you say. Your word is certain.

Thus, we believe you will give us what we ask, or better. We know the power is not in us. Not our righteousness, but your mercy leads you to answer us.

We submit ourselves to your will, as did the Lord Jesus. Your goodness causes us joy. Thank you, God of all mercies, for your presence and the demonstration of you glory.

We trust in you

Lord of lords and God above all gods, your name deserves praise from every heart and tongue. You are worthy, O heavenly Father, to receive worship and fear and blessing from every person, for you created us and all that the universe contains.

Look down upon us in mercy. Have pity on our struggles. Pour upon us your grace. Make us powerful in our work of sharing the message of salvation. We are few in number, but make us strong in faith. Cause the Word to multiply in this city.

Strength the hearts of those who are weak here. Enliven the slow to act. Break out among us the inexpressible joy of your salvation.

Start all this with and in me. Let the brethren grow beyond what I am able to provide. Keep the gospel from being limited by my limitations.

May the Lord Jesus fill our vision. Let the Holy Spirit empower our service. May his revelation to us be constantly on our tongues. Help us to trust in your eternal purpose.

Father, we trust in you. We believe you hear and answer our prayers.

I have confidence in your promise. I will work till Jesus comes, even if I see no fruit from my labors, for in your time you will produce the good results of the Word. Let many be saved. Save me according to your mercy.

We believe

Lord, let me sensitive to the needs of those around me and to address those needs in a way that will be helpful to the needy. Keep me from being a burden to others. May my service truly serve others and glorify you.

May others see that you are a God who loves and cares for them. Make your character evident in your people.

Praise belongs to you and all creatures glorify you. The world and universe declare your greatness. Open our eyes to your magnificence. Draw us into your fellowship.

We trust you to guide us in the right way. We believe that you will protect and shield us from harm. We know that you have always kept your word and fulfilled your promise. Joy is ours because you are God.