Our failures a reason to plow ahead

Our Father who reigns from heaven, we try and fail; we make the effort and fall short; in spite of doing our best, we stumble and leave so much undone.

Help us to keep from making our failures a reason for quitting.

Make us see that our failures are even more reason to plow ahead in the faith, to stubbornly strive for the Kingdom, to take the next step, and the next, and the next.

We ask forgiveness, O Lord, for our sins; we need the cleansing that only Jesus’ blood can provide; we confess our need.

Shore up our weak points; strengthen our fallen hands; put a bounce back in our step.

Let your joy return to us. Settle your peace upon us. Surround us with your love, so that it may irradiate outward to all.

Thank you for your faithfulness to your people.

I trust you

Your name, and all it represents, lightens my heart, O Lord, as I consider your power and goodness. I trust in you and know that the world is in your hands. You care for me, because I seek you, to do your will. Continue reading “I trust you”

What have we done?

What have we done, O God?! Forgive our rebellion, remove our sin of self-enthronement!

Purify our hearts and motives. Purge our minds of wavering doubts.

Let love reign supreme. Let our devotion be single and exclusive.

Hear, O God, my night’s confessions

For those sins that I recall,
That today I have committed,
Please, O Lord, forgive them all,
In the Blood to be acquitted.

Not for these alone I plead,
But for those unknown transgressions,
Cover all my ignorant need,
Hear, O God, my night’s confessions.

If you give another day,
May I live the Master’s orders,
By the Spirit’s holy sway,
Joyful in his ample borders.


From my heart, O Father who knows men’s secrets

From my heart, O Father who knows the deepest secrets of men, I want to lay before you all that I am and think and feel and do. Sift through the chaff, bring forth the grain, and make my life a harvest of righteousness, the work of your hands.

Lord, show me the beam in my eye

Lord, show me the beam in my eye. Hold my tongue until I remove the shadow of sin. Show me my hypocrisy. Let me embrace the pain of repentance and feel the relief of confession. Make me fit to be your servant and my brother’s friend.