If left up to us

Left up to us, we’d have the Lord Jesus return today, O God. We want to go home. This life hold little interest to us. The glories of heaven are what we desire. To be with you is all we want. To go where there are no tears, no suffering, no death, no darkness — this is our keenest hope.

But we know you have a purpose for our time here, both for our salvation and perfection and for the salvation of others. You are preparing us for that eternal habitation with you. Continue reading “If left up to us”

How ready am I – a “maranata” prayer

To see the Lord descending from the sky,
And saints a-wing to meet him, with them I
Ascending, weightless, leaving far below
The cares of earth, the minutes empty and slow,
O God, I ask: Let Jesus come today —
How ready am I to fly away!

–J. Randal Matheny