Your Gentle Breeze

Come to me a word, O Lord,
a word of faith and love and power,
to lift me up and place me high
upon a safe and solid place.

You see my zeal for You, O Lord,
as God who leads the hosts of heavens —
your hunted servant nearly dead,
among a people who spurn your Name.

They turned their backs upon the covenant,
refused to obey, and served false gods;
Their worship’s vain, by man’s traditions,
they seek to silence and maim your servants. Continue reading “Your Gentle Breeze”

You are my victory

Lord God, give me deep peace in spirit and strength in body. Let me not fear, but trust deeply in you to provide and protect. Redirect my vision outward, to the needs of others, to the salvation of many, to the edification of the saints, to the encouragement and love of family.

You are my light and my salvation. You give me confidence for my task. You secure my feet along the way. You are my victory.

So I seek your face. I desire your presence. I need your love. Without you I have nothing and I am nothing.

You are to be praised for pulling us all out of the fire, for giving us new life, for rescuing us from the evil one. You put us in a wide place, brought us to security, placed us where we may grow and serve and love.

You know, O Lord, our failures and fears. You see our weaknesses. Have pity on us, O God, that we, in following the Christ, might become like him. Perfect us for your eternal fellowship. Make us strong in our weakness. Bring forth fruit from our efforts to serve others. Bless us that we might be a blessing.

In you I rest, O Lord. In you I am comforted.

By Jesus Christ who brought us life, amen.

Grateful for improvements to life, increase the fear of you

God who cares for the smallest detail of creation, thank you for the many improvements to life that we enjoy in our world. How much prosperity so many of us enjoy! What a privilege to live in these days of convenience and increasing options.

We are grateful that poverty has decreased in the world, but we are aware that many still lack basic necessities of life. Continue reading “Grateful for improvements to life, increase the fear of you”