Accepting the little ones

Lord, thank you for accepting the little ones whom men reject. Thank you for giving a chance to those who have had no advantage in this life. Thank you for your patience with me.

Let the voice of this world fade. Let its attractions be seen for what they are, a trap to remove us from your way. Let us resist its pressures to conform.

Help us remember we are servants. Let not the criticisms make us waver. Keep others’ weaknesses from discouraging us.

Bless us that we might be a blessing to others. Make our joy contagious. Let truth be recognized, and the Way be followed.

In serving find solace

In our own hurts and needs, let us not ignore, O God, that we may still be used by you to serve others. And in that serving we may find solace and peace.

Let us not be afraid, but trust that you will always be near and strengthen us for every challenge.

Feed us, O God, with heavenly bread, and clothe us with your righteousness.