In serving find solace

In our own hurts and needs, let us not ignore, O God, that we may still be used by you to serve others. And in that serving we may find solace and peace.

Let us not be afraid, but trust that you will always be near and strengthen us for every challenge.

Feed us, O God, with heavenly bread, and clothe us with your righteousness.

Keep my efforts for the kingdom from flagging

Was Jesus really the one? Is there really a life after death? Is heaven real? Does it matter in this life what I do?

O God, I sweep every doubt under feet of the Lord Jesus Christ, and he will show me the truth.

Give me the strangeness of John the Immerser for the sake of the Kingdom. Thank you for the gift of greatness in the kingdom as one of your little ones. Continue reading “Keep my efforts for the kingdom from flagging”

Not a byword, but life

Mercy from God

Not a byword, but life, O Lord, is your mercy toward us. Save us from destruction. Let your angel of death pass over us, for we show the blood of our Savior Jesus Christ.

Your judgment is just, so we plead the justice of Christ. To him help us to be faithful so that we may be confident on the final day.

Good day or bad


Our Father in Heaven, we measure days as good or bad, but we confess that, at the moment, we have no idea whether they contribute or not to our spiritual growth or to the progress of the gospel.

Let us call every day, therefore, a good day, a day in which you can and do work, a day in which we may be transported closer to our goal of greater knowledge of you and greater deeds in Christ.