How Hard, O Lord, to Make a Start

How hard, O Lord, to make a start,
To reach the end, much harder still!
What joy to know that in my heart
You work to give me strength and will!

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Read Philippians 2.12-13; 4.13.

All of who we are

What can we say, O God, that you do not already know? What thoughts or feelings can we put into words that you did not already discern within us?

Yet this process of prayer is for our mutual satisfaction, and for the realization of your will, and for the completion of your purpose, yes, for the development of our love together. Continue reading “All of who we are”

Thanks for small victories

Thank you, God above, for small victories. Let us not overlook them as we wait for the greater triumph. Help us to make the small victories accumulate until they lead to the ultimate one.

Let us not add to the suffering of others

Lord who took upon himself our pain, let us not add to the suffering of others, but work to relieve it.

God who brought peace through violence suffered by your Son, let us be your sons and daughters by promoting and pursuing peace.

Father who loves selflessly, who gave your Son and who gives all good things without measure, let us love because of who we are and not because of what we want others to be.

To Do What None Is Willing

Keep eyes away from others,
To do what none is willing:
To pray, avoiding pride;
Return again and again,
Unceasing, constant, true;
Know goodness, strength, and love
In showers of prayer to heaven,
Asking, pleading, praising;
And reach the blessed end
In unimpeded communion.

We humbly cry

We humbly cry: help us, Lord,
Our need is great, deny us not,
You alone we yearn to know,
Without your presence we will perish!

Hate the things you hate

God in heaven, let us hate the things you hate, and love the things you love. Keep us from exchanging these because of pressure from man or because of our love of people. Make us steadfast in our hate of evil and in our love of righteousness.

Make the love of the lost our guiding star to give us courage in face of opposition to speak the word of Christ.

Remind us of our need for faithfulness, for the return from infidelity and betrayal is fraught with pain and discord.

Keep us from arrogance, pride, materialism, and intrigue, that we may not be destroyed.

Today’s prayer was inspired by several readings, from Pro 6, Ac 14, 2 Sam 19, and Eze 27.