Beyond the Broken Earth

The channels of my mind
are well traversed with thoughts
of your clear eyes that roam
across the wide, wide earth
to seek a trusting soul
and bless with peace and grace.

Oh, Lord, here am I, that soul.

From your throne, you incline
to see your servants’ needs,
and send your ministering angels
to watch, defend, protect,
while the Spirit lives within
to change and shape for heaven.

See me, your servant, Father.

Within our space and time,
you work in love to draw
your people across the line,
beyond the broken earth,
to the perfect, lighted place
of the sprawling tree of life.

Draw me with them, O God!

Save us from the evil one

Heavenly Father, save us from the evil one. Save us for your presence and blessing. Save us in the name of your Son and our Savior Jesus Christ. Save us with your raised hand and mighty arm.

Protect your people from temptation. Protect your church to do all your will. Protect your chosen ones that they might live in holiness and generosity. Protect your children for your glory in them.

Bless our loved ones with knowledge and devotion. Bless all that they might seek you in love and truth. Bless our friends and families in order to make them prepared for that Day.

Give me wisdom. Give me power. Give me humility. Give me healing. Give me your Spirit. Use me for your glory. Be my all and fullness.

  • Say this prayer and say amen.
  • Publish this prayer in your congregation’s bulletin or newsletter.
  • Say this prayer in your congregation’s meeting.
  • Share the link to this prayer in social media.
  • Send the link to this prayer in an email to your contacts.

Show me your glory

Father, thank you for the pleasant and edifying time with the saints. It is a joy to be with your family of faith. You are to be praised for your wisdom in making us your people with one mind and heart.

  • Give us a harmonious spirit, help us to be sympathetic to one another, to show affection and compassion to each other, and to be humble in every way.
  • Let the evil of others keep us from responding in kind. Help us to bless others, regardless of their actions toward us.
  • Help us to do right and to see our blessing of doing so even under duress and suffering.
  • Prepare us to answer those who ask about the hope we possess.
  • Keep us from having any reason for shame.
  • Thank you that Christ suffered to bring us to you and that we were given the grace of baptism for our salvation.
  • Thank you for his resurrection which is our guarantee of being raised to heaven.

Show me your glory, O God, that I might never lose sight of my goal.

Based on 1 Peter 3. If this prayer blessed you, please share it with someone else.

We are all Job

O Lord, we are all Job, aren’t we?
The secret things belong to you.
Many things we could not understand, even if you told us.
You want us to learn to trust you.
Our strength is in our faith.
And our faith is so small!
Forgive us and help us in our lack.
We shall not curse or revile.
We believe, O Father, in your goodness.
Show us the future blessing.

What Word Have We to Say?

What word, O Lord, have we to say
but praise and gratitude?
From your good hand, day by day,
come life and love and food.

O God, let grace for abounding grace
be found upon our lips;
For heaven’s blessing in every place
all pains and hurts eclipse.

I need you near

When I begin my day, dear God, I need you near, to protect me from temptation, to give me power and focus, to remind me of your love, to show me the opportunities that come before me.

When I reach the half-way point of my day, heavenly Father, I need you near, to give me strength to carry through, to remain clear in my thoughts and plans, to avoid distractions from what is most important.

When I come to the end of the day, O Sovereign One, I need you near, to assure me that failures can serve the kingdom, to deliver the day’s activities in your hand, to thank for blessings and joys received, to give me rest.

I need you near, my Savior, at every hour, at every trial, at every challenge, at every celebration of success. For you, and only you, can give me meaning and life and hope. Stay near me, always, Lord and Friend.

Eyes and ears

Lord, how much we’re affected by negative thoughts and worldly conversations around us! How badly we turn to bitterness, anxiety, resentment, worry, and selfishness! Renew our minds daily. Put the word in front of us. Remind us that we have every reason to rejoice.

Thank you for the gift of forgiveness in Jesus Christ, meaning that we can enjoy your presence and blessing. Thank you for the gift of the spiritual family, who befriends us in Christ and prompts us to grow. Thank you for your gift of the Spirit, who dwells in us and produces that spiritual fruit which remains forever.

Help us to use our eyes and ears for spiritual gain. Help us to learn wisdom. Help us to see our neighbor’s need and hear the emptiness of his heart. Help us to speak that word of encouragement, that message of salvation, that he has yet to obey.

While the world rants about politics, corruption, and injustice, let us give example of righteousness, self-control, and honesty. Thank you for the possibility of doing this through your strength and character.

Whatever Comes My Way

Whatever comes my way I will
accept with quiet gratitude:
What I receive today will give
me cause for joy, all in good time;
And if tomorrow shall remove
what makes me glad today, I’ll thank
the Lord above for his good gift,
allowing me that cherished hour.

What I need today

Calm is what I need today, faithful Lord and God. Slow down my mind, speed my hands, bring peace and joy to me and to all those around me.

Let Jesus’ word dwell richly in me. May gratitude well up from the heart and spill over in kind words and loving actions.

Help me see my responsibilities to others, be it in the home, in the body of Christ, or in the world, as opportunities to serve.

Remind me always of the privilege I have to pray. Teach me to pray. I want to pray about those things that concern you most.

Use me to pass on the faith to others. Even though they might not remember my name, may they remember the Name of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.