Lesson outline for improving private prayer

LESSON OUTLINE:  Improving Private Prayer

from the Wadsworth, Oh., congregation

1. Last lesson we discussed ideas on how to improve our public praying.  One of those suggestions included that if we want to improve our _____________ prayers we need to work on improving our _______________ prayers.

2. We are creatures of __________.  Bad _____________ are __________ to fall into, but ________ ____________ require ___________ and ______________.  A balanced Prayer Life will likewise require ___________ and ______________.

3. Need Help With The Words?  Here is a “qualified” suggestion — Matthew Henry (1662-1714) was an English Presbyterian whose commentary, Exposition of the Old and New Testaments, has been used by millions was also known for another work that was just as popular in his day. Henry’s book, A Method For Prayer, has some excellent thoughts on how we can put our thoughts into words for prayer.  It follows the same pattern as our lessons on types of prayer: Adoration, Thanksgiving, Confession, Petition, and Intercession. Plus, it can be downloaded in PDF format for free at Google Books. Continue reading “Lesson outline for improving private prayer”