We ask and know

Blessed Father,

When we ask of you in prayer, we know that you hear us and answer. We believe, O Lord, that we have received it.

Your promise is sure. You never fail. You are faithful in all you say. Your word is certain.

Thus, we believe you will give us what we ask, or better. We know the power is not in us. Not our righteousness, but your mercy leads you to answer us.

We submit ourselves to your will, as did the Lord Jesus. Your goodness causes us joy. Thank you, God of all mercies, for your presence and the demonstration of you glory.

3 points on prayer by the poor and needy

“Incline your ear, O Lord, and answer me, for I am poor and needy” Psa. 86.1 NRSV.

  • God hears prayer and wants us to pray to him in our need. He never ignores the faithful.
  • God answers prayer, so we may be confident in our asking. He never refuses to provide. He is generous and willing.
  • God receives prayer from anyone who belongs to him. He does not discriminate against those who do not belong to the elite.

(How to belong to God’s people? See this explanation. Ideas suggested from this devotional.)